Who Am I?
Heya Everyone.
So, might be slightly obvious, but my name is Rose Demica, and I am a writer. I want to be a writer, it's my goal and my dream. To write movies, t.v. shows, and books. Share stories with the world. A little further down is my commitment to myself and my readers; Why I write.
So more about me:
I have been to and graduated from, uni twice, and I'm back for a third time now, working towards my Bachelors's now. I'm interested in a lot and love to learn.
You'll see pictures of my fur babies around the site. The tuxedo is Sombra, and he was born in 2016, and the calico is Etoile, She was born in 2020, and I, unfortunately, lost her in 2021, six months after she came home.
Now for the less fun part;
In September 2016 I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Myalgic encephalomyelitis, it's also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, although few actually like that name. I was in the middle of my diploma in Writing for the Creative Industries. I completed my degree, but my health has never recovered.
In 2018-2019 I was further diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after a large number of testing and trials.
I have been struggling and fighting every single day to write, to achieve my dream of being an author, a film writer, regardless of what life throws at me. I am determined that nothing will keep me from achieving this goal, no matter how long it takes, no matter what I have to do.
Why I Write:
In 2012 I wrote:
Why I wanna write: I want to write to tell stories. I want to offer people a distraction from the horrors of everyday life. I want to give them hope, make them question themselves, their views and their actions. I wanna inspire people. I want to take people from their mundane lives and give them glimpses into the extraordinary. I wanna help people dream, to believe in the unbelievable. To think big and achieve bigger. #NeverForget.
In 2016 I updated that in a blog post. Now, the reason I want to write is this:
I want to write to make a difference. I want to give people hope for a world in which they aren’t afraid, where they aren’t rejected nor ruled by outdated social ‘normalities’. I want to make people question themselves, their views, and their actions. I want to inspire people to be the change that they want to see in the world. I want to show them that they can be extraordinary. That they can change the world they live in to be a world they want to live in. I want to help people dream, to believe in the unbelievable, to think big and achieve bigger. And if they fail, I want to remind them that this is not the end, that there is hope. Like a main character, you can pick up the pieces and rise from the ashes bigger and stronger than before. And when all that is done and dusted, my work won’t seem like so much as a distraction from the horrors of everyday life, but instead, a reminder that you can beat the horrors of everyday life.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to do all this yet, but I’m willing to learn. I’m ready to fail, to struggle and to fight with everything I have in me because it will be worth it. Because I will come out the other side better and stronger than I was to begin with. I will never stop trying, never stop learning, never stop growing, and I will never let myself be defeated. This is my promise, my oath and my word. Hold me to it.