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Battle of the Soulmates

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Sorry! I got so messed up in the rush we call the holidays that I totally forgot what day it was! Hope you all have had a great holiday and got some cool gifts. Here's my present to you! Part of a story I've been working on recently! Also, I have no idea what to call this, so sorry for the crappy title.

Adriel perched on the edge of her seat, sitting opposite the woman Cadriel had called 'Alexia'. The young spell caster looked so much more at ease with Cadriel seated beside her, the barest shake in her hands as she lifted her coffee from the table to her ruby red lips.

Adriel could feel Zackary's gaze boring into the back of her skull, reminding her that she had no possible escape route from the conversation she now regretted agreeing to. Marcellus sat to her right, his legs pressed gently against hers as a silent sign of support. Still, she felt boxed in, Adriel had always hated being trapped, and her time in hell had only reinforced her feelings. Cadriel knew this, the slight upturn of his lips when she glanced his way proved it was intentional, he wanted the fallen as uncomfortable as both he and his young charge were.

Adriel felt her eyes drawn to Cadriel as Alexia spoke of her reappearance in a continual nightmare. Surprised to find she could read the angels emotions as easily as she could before. The cold hard look in his eyes, the way his jaw clenched and his fingers twisted around the silver coloured soul band on his finger. Alexia also seemed to be able to sense her lover's anger and unease, her hand resting on his upper thigh beneath the table. Cadriel's hands balled into fists as Adriel spoke softly, silently restraining himself from picking up his charge and whisking her away.

A nudge of Adriel's leg drew her back into the conversation. The young spell caster had waves of dark purple electricity sparks rolling down her arm. Purple eyes flickering between her lover and Adriel distractingly, sensing that there was more than they were both letting on. Clever girl, Adriel smirked, flicking her black hair over her shoulder, tongue wetting her lips ever so slightly before she spoke.

"I think your subconscious is trying to tell you something little witch, you should listen to your bodyguards." Adriel tried to stand, but firm hands on her shoulders pushed her right back down into her seat, holding her there as she tried to squirm free.

"She's our weaver Adriel," Zackary whispered, his lips ghosting across the top of her head as his thumbs brushed against her shoulder blades, his restraining touch turning gentle, almost soothing, reminding Adriel of what she already knew, it was impossible to forget. Far too easy to see her lovers features in the woman before her. His strong jawline and oval shaped face. Their daughter had her subtle cheekbones, and the way her eyes narrowed when she glared... it was too easy to care for the girl she should never have let out of her sights.

"A weaver? No wonder you've got the best protection on offer." Adriel leant back, head against Zackary's upper torso as she smirked, pretending not to care. "But still, you're scared, why little witch?" Adriel tapped a finger to her nose, pretending to think. Zackary chuckled, starting to massage her shoulders absentmindedly - a habit of her lovers. Marcellus' leg nudged hers harshly, shaking his long blonde locks slightly when she glanced at him.

"Adriel." Cadriel growled at her, glaring before he stood, a hand on Alexia's arm pulling her to her feet, "this conversation is over. Alexia, this is foolishness." Alexia protested, unable to free her arm from his grasp, her powers doing nothing to halt his actions. Zackary's hands kept Adriel seated as the older woman growled instincts screaming at her to separate her ex-lover and her daughter.

"Caiden." Four voices chorused, Adriel forcing her mouth to form the unfamiliar name so as not to blow his cover with the young witch. Cadriel's gaze flickered around the group, resting on Alexia. The look she was giving him was one Adriel really didn't want to recognise, one she knew the warrior angel would cave too. The same one she had always used to get her way when they were still together.

"No. It's not safe, she's not to be trusted." Adriel couldn't help the stab of pain at the way he spat the words about her. Zackary's hands tightened, his lips pressing to the top of her head, fighting the urge to defend her, Adriel moved one of her hands to rest over his, they had to pick their battles wisely with the warrior angel, this was not worth it.

"Why not? She was there, you weren't!" Alexia finally managed to tear her arm free, snapping words meant to hurt the male. She took a step back, eyes blazing purple as electricity arched off her skin. Sizzling and crackling through the air around her. Cadriel instinctively tensed, every muscle in his body preparing for a fight, be it physical or verbal.

"Damn it, Alexia." The words fell from his lips with a tired sigh, his hand running through his hair as he tried to buy himself time. Tried to calm down enough to think rationally, find the words to say.

"Cadriel and I were lovers, over two thousand years ago, I betrayed him and broke his heart. He is correct not to trust me, and you would be foolish to ignore him." The words fell from Adriel's lips before she even felt the desire to speak them. Cadriel looked to her, neon blue eyes flashing once furiously, a warning that the fallen had overstepped her bounds.

"But Zac is your lover now, is he not?" The weaver's eyes never moved to her, never left the warrior in front of her. The man she clearly adored. Cadriel however, did not afford her the same courtesy, his eyes flicking between Adriel and the man at her back, his jaw tightened, teeth crunching against each other, fists once again balled at his sides, trying to read what his young charge saw all so clearly. Adriel nearly laughed, he had never been good at reading other people.

"It does not matter. Cadriel is, to use human terms, my ex-husband." Adriel dismissed the topic quickly, hoping to avoid the warrior's anger, she had caused him enough pain for a lifetime. That caught the young weavers attention. The electricity sparking off of her body seemed to hum once, before cutting out altogether.

"Oh, I see." Purple eyes flickered to the soul band on his left ring finger, before they reverted to the crystal blue Adriel saw whenever she happened upon her own reflection in the mirror. "Marc, can you accompany me to practice? My team will be waiting." Cadriel reached for Alexia as she spoke softly, but she flinched away from him. His skin dancing under the light of dozens small purple sparks that flew from her arm as his fingers brushed past her. She walked away without waiting for a reply. Marcellus stood, resting a hand on Adriel's arm, and leveling a glare at Cadriel before he followed the young weaver.

"I said to say nothing." Cadriel hurt turned to anger the second the red sports car peeled out of the car park.

"She could tell Cadriel! What did you wish of me? Should I have lied to her the way you lied to me!?" Adriel pushed Zackary's hands from her shoulder, standing as she confronted the warrior angel.

"I was following orders!" Cadriel took a deep breath. "I have to explain this to her." His hand ran through his hair as his mind ran a mile a minute, running scenarios, calculating the optimum words to say to ensure the best result.

"Let me talk to her." Adriel threw the brakes on his trains of thoughts, screeching them to a stop, his eyes were full of mistrust and anger as they flickered to her.

"So you can make it worse!?" He demanded, eyes flickering to Zackary behind her just the once as if the other male held the answers he sought.

"I am no longer bound by the same rules you are Cadriel, allow me to explain this to her. It was I who caused this mess, and it is I who should fix it." Cadriel held her soft gaze, his natural neon blue slowly flicking through the golden hazel. Adriel shied away, leaning towards her lover. Cadriel's stare had always seemed to be able to search the very depth of her soul, it was unnerving. Zackary's arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to his chest.

"She will cause Alexia no harm Caiden," Zackary spoke in her defence, his fingers drawing circles on her hip. Adriel turned her face into her lover's chest to hide her smile. He had never been able to keep his fingers unoccupied. Forever playing with whatever his digits fell upon.

"You can't possibly assure me this." Adriel could feel Cadriel's glare drilling into the back of her head before the older angel turned and took a step away. Adriel felt Zackary tense up slightly and immediately flicked her head back around to face Cadriel. He was frozen mid-step, head tilted softly to the side, deep in thought.

"A weaver is the product of Angelic and Demonic Soul Mates procreating. While I do not believe in such moronic fantasies, the logic behind the child's origin is sound. Are you telling me that Alexia is your daughter Adriel? That you have broken the vows of a marriage we have not yet terminated?" He turned back around, facing the pair as he spoke

"Caiden-" Zackary started trying to defend is actions.

"I am fallen, is that not termination enough?" Adriel cut him off, stepping away from him and towards Cadriel.

"Not according to the band that has remained around my finger and heavy on my heart." Cadriel waved his left hand in her face, showing her the silver soul band as he fought to remain in control of his temper. "I have remained faithful and honest, bound by the vows I made to you, and you-"

"Cadriel. I release you from your bonds as you have me from mine. I no longer require your love, affection, or protection, as I have found my soul mate. I wish you the best of luck in finding your own, I shall remain your best friend and closest ally. I vow to care for our son, to guide and protect him, and raise him with the honours and values of his father, in line with those of heaven, and our holy creator." Adriel rested her hand over his as she spoke the words he needed to hear. The band around his finger dispersed, the fight from his body fleeing. He crumbled forward against her, and she only held her. Adriel could feel her lover shifting uncomfortably behind her, not entirely sure about what was going on.

“I do not understand why heaven did not see it fit to terminate our marriage when you fell, no one would answer my questions.” Cadriel murmured, standing once more, eyes locked on his ring finger.

“And I am sorry Cadriel, if I had known our marriage still linked us I would have sought you out and terminated it a long time ago, now, please. Let me speak to my daughter and clear this all up before something happens that we will both regret.” Zackary’s fingers brushed against her back, stepping forward slightly until both Cadriel and Adriel were watching him, Cadriel’s eyes flickering nervously to the phone sitting in his palm.

“Marc just sent a message... Cadriel she’s gone.” 

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