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Valentines Day Special

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Happy Valentine’s day everyone.

A part of me loves the idea that there is a day to show your love for someone, to spoil them rotten. The logical part of me realises that it’s just a way for companies to commercialise love. The hopeless romantic in me thinks that love should be celebrated every day, that you should spoil the one you love on any day, not just the day that society has deemed that love should be celebrated on... my characters? Well, let’s see what they think.

Captain Roza Salazar: The Hellborn Princess: (yes I know I use ‘Rose’, ‘Sofia’, and ‘Alex’, or some variation of it a lot. It’s a bad habit backed by seven years of writing. I’m slowly working to break it, and changing the names as I go). (2021 update, as of 2019 the names are Roza = Ila-Cynthia, Alex = Evrard DeLacy)

Life on the sea, travelling through all the different time zones as Captain of the Hellborn Princess meant that to Roza, Valentine's day was just another day. Another day to do the rounds, check on the students and the crew. She cared little for the dates as they flew past, as long as they weren’t deadlines of when she had to be in port or changing her collection of students. It was the way of the sea.

Hellborn Princess’ First mate, and Captain Roza’s secret lover, however, was the exact opposite. Eagerly counting down the days, keeping track of the timelines they passed through. In a way, it was part of his job. Roza cared little for conventional dates and times, so making sure they were on track was his role entirely.

He knew that she would get him nothing for Valentine's day, that to her it was just another day on the open waters. So when the fourteenth of February hit and Roza woke up with a box of chocolates on her desk she felt like an idiot. A beautiful bouquet of flowers looming over the top of them.

“Joyeuse Saint Valentin ma Cherie,” Alex whispered, stepping through the secret entrance to her room, two cups of coffee balanced carefully in one hand.

“Is that today?” Roza swore under her breath, hand running through her hair as she slumped back down in her hammock. “Why didn’t you remind me?” Alex chuckled, passing her a coffee as she sat up and swung her legs down to stabilise herself.

“Because I know you Spanish celebrate it on a different day...” He bent down to kiss the top of her head with a smile as he teased her.

“And in turn, I know how much this day means to you French. Feliz dia de San Valentin Amante.” Roza stood, pressing a kiss to his lips as one of her free hand slipped around his neck. His palm pressing against the small of her back as he returned her kiss.

Lady Violetta Tatsuya: Ouran High Host Club. Another note, I generally try to keep fanfiction off of my blog, and should it ever come up I am very careful to make sure no one can tell that it’s fanfiction. Today is a special case.

Violetta was growing more nervous as each day past, valentine's day was barely a week away, and she had no idea what kind of chocolates to make for her secret boyfriend. She didn’t even know if she could call him her boyfriend. They’d never labelled whatever it was that they entertained themselves with, it wasn’t a conversation either of them had felt the need to have, until now, and instead of doing the logical thing and simply asking him, she was instead over analysing everything.

Cases and studies alike were abandoned on her desk in favour of the battle repeating itself in her mind. The last thing she wanted was to give him the wrong idea of what she thought their relationship was. That in itself could be disastrous. She needed a solution, quickly.


A smile pulled up at his lips as he saw the simple box awaiting him on the desk he claimed as his own in music room three. It was in stark contrast to the hundreds of boxes that filled up the room from adoring fans around the school. He put his notebook down to pick up the box, opening the lid to see half a dozen chocolates and a handwritten note across the lid.

Dinner tonight. My place at eight.’ The smile still firmly in place, he opened his notebook to add one more name to the long list of girls he would need to make sure had flowers come white day, her name written in ink at the very top of his list, Lady Violetta Tatsuya.

Eriana (formerly Sofia) Salvatore/Mikaelson (married/maiden), Vampire Diaries:


A smile pulled at his lips as he watched the carriage pull up to her house. A large bouquet of flowers taking up the seat beside him and a note nestled within the arrangement. He had meant to send them with a servant, but as the time drew closer he found himself unable to deny the urge to deliver the gift himself. He wanted to see her joy first hand, rather than a tale spun through the mouths of others.

His excitement grew as the carriage came to a stop, the front door of her house wide open and Josaphine awaiting him on the steps.

“Sir, we were not expecting you.” She scolded, watching him step out of the carriage, his gift cradled in his arms.

“Is Miss Mikaelson home?” He asked, walking up the front steps and into the house that he thought of as his home.

“For you my love, always.” He turned at the sound of her voice behind him, looking to see her exiting a carriage stopped right behind his own. A footman helping her step out of the carriage before moving back so she could walk up the steps towards him. “Although only just apparently.” She teased, leaning closer to press her lips to his cheek.

“I am sorry, I could not bare to wait another moment. For you.” He presented her with the flowers, a smile on his lips as he bowed, never taking her eyes off of him. “Happy Valentines day Eriana.”



Eriana Salvatore wasn’t expecting anything as Valentine’s day rolled around, her husband was still upset with how things had played out, and she honestly couldn’t blame him. So the giant bouquet of flowers on her desk took her off guard. It couldn’t have been anyone other than him, she had only allowed two people access to her office, and the young witch would have no reason to spend such large amounts of money on a gift for her mentor. No, it could only have been the work of her husband to replicate a gift from one hundred years earlier.

She couldn’t stop the slight tremble of her hands as she plucked the note from the center, reading the words that hadn’t changed from when he first wrote them to her all those years before.

‘Eriana Salvatore,

Light of my life, Love of my dreams.

You know I wouldn’t normally say such things.

But I would be a fool,

If today should pass, and I should be so cruel

For my love for you remain unknown

An act my dearest mother surely would condone

So, to the most marvelous woman, I have ever seen

Whose beauty rivals that of a queen

Happy Valentines day

My love


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