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Siren Song, Sam X Reader

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Siren Song.

Words: 2136

Pairing: Siren!Reader x Sam (aka Monster!Reader x Sam)

Warnings: Supernatural Kink (Sam), Song Fic, Implied Female Physical Abuse, Drowning, Non-Graphic Torture Mention, Non Modern Reader,

So I didn’t actually mention Sam by name apparently... it was turning out a little long so I decided to cut it off here. Lemme know if I should do a part two. This was inspired by the song Colours by Halsey. Again I felt it was getting too long so I cut it off before any of the song could actually appear, but still...

A soft sigh left your lips as you watched yet another ship sail past. It had been harder to hunt with the influx in female seafarers. They were not as affected as men who heard your sweet song. It merely felt like a waste of time, and with every drowned female, another Siren rose to hunt. The waters were getting too full, hunt grounds too sparse.

It was what had driven you in shore, towards land and one day fishing trips. The hunting was easier, women few and far in between, and much easier to spot and avoid. You hated dealing with newborn Sirens. The whinging and the moaning and the homesickness. It was enough to make anyone go crazy. Let alone someone like you who had been a creature of the deep so long you couldn’t remember what land looked like.

It tempted you. Lingering on the horizon. Towering towards the sky. Everyday found you drawing closer, curious. Something other than the deep blue waters you called home.

It was night when you fell for it, crawling up the sandy dunes, laughing at the soft yellow that ran between your fingertips. You could feel the droplets of water running from your hair and down your back, shirt you had stolen from a dying sailor drenched and hugging your frame. You did not care, the water was a comfort to you as you adjusted. It had been so long since you’d seen need to return to your island home. You needed a while to get used to your legs once more.

You watched as the sun broke over the horizon, bathing your blue in a soft golden light. The sky changing colours as you watched. People making their way down the beach, boats at the ready as they headed out for some fishing. The Humans fascinated you, they always had. You couldn’t remember your own human years. You couldn’t even remember if you had had any.

You had watched from afar as humanity changed and matured. As they attacked each other and turned your waters red with their sweet metallic laced blood. Turning their attention to the ocean life, destroying your home and robbing it of what it had to offer. You and your girls had gotten your vengeance of course.

Now, the humans before you were scurrying from a land boat to an actual boat. Loading it up before slowly leaving the shore, people complaining as cold water lapped at their knee caps,. Caressing each part of skin it touched. Boats slowly leaving the shore one by one. You had no desire to hunt tonight so you knew they’d all return alive. None of your sisters liked being this close to the shores where there were endless oceans to explore and an island of your own to call home.

One human in particular caught your eye. Running in little more than a pair of black shorts with a red stripe down one side. Your eyes followed him down the beach. He was looking around every few seconds. Some sort of red rope in his ears, attached to a band around his arm. You couldn't claim to have any idea what it was. But you were curious. This was the only man to spare you a second glance. The only one to pretend you were not just a part of the scenery. You watched him, knowing he was looking back at you every once now and again. Until the red light of dawn blurred your view and hid him from you.

You took that as your cue to return to the water, no matter what age the humans were in now. It was always questioned when a woman wore nothing but a man's shirt. You walked back into the water, dipping your steadily drying hair back so it was soaked once more. You kept walking until the water covered your head, welcoming the waters warm embrace.


Against your better judgement, you went back the next day. Closer to dawn than the time before when you pulled yourself up on the shore. Paying more attention to the boats, you were getting hungry, and if you did not hunt today you would have to tomorrow. Taking one person was always preferable to taking a large group. Especially now you hunted by yourself. Your family always took down big ships, providing enough food for everyone.

You spotted your victim early on, he was planning on going alone. Yelling at those who had accompanied him. Your blood boiled as you watched him go to strike the young woman who was attempting to help. A strong arm stopped him, grabbing ahold of the fist that flew towards the flinching woman. Your eyes followed back until you saw the man from yesterday morning. Muscles rippling in the dawn’s light as he blocked the attack that came towards him with ease. Instead shoving the man back until he slammed into his own boat.

It did not take long for the man to get in his boat and disappear out to sea. Leaving the young man standing on the beach. Even you could tell that there was sympathy in his eyes as he turned to the young woman. You could not help but move closer, listening to his voice reassure the woman. It was soft and smooth, like the ocean waves that brushed against the shores. His murmuring little more than a whisper as his arms wrapped around her. She sobbed in her arms as you watched, ignoring the sun as it raised ever higher.

You felt your heart breaking, and as his hazel eyes met yours you knew what you had to do. You would not let him hurt another woman again. You nodded once, ignoring the curiosity in those hazel eyes, and returned to the ocean.

You walked in until the water reached your hips, before diving in. You could swim faster than you could ever dream of walking. The little boat was easy to find, it’s trail still stirring the water beneath the surface. Fishing lines and anchor spread around it. You decided to have some fun. A gentle tug had the boat above you sloshing from side to side with the man's efforts to reach the reel. You watched as the line returned to the boat with no resistance. Scaring away the fish as they went for one of the lines. It would be a waste if he was to catch anything today. He was not going to make it back to shore anyway.

He got bored of the game before you did, the engine starting swirling your hair around your face as the anchor was hauled upwards. You kept up with the pace of the dingy as it gunned it to another spot. You waited until he was alone to start singing, keeping your voice quiet. It was only just hearable over the engine. Enough to catch his attention if he chose to dedicate it to you. You wouldn’t allow him a quick death, it was to kind for a man who would raise his hand towards a woman.

Your song got quieter as the engine slowed, making less noise. The boat shifted atop your waters, the man searching for the female who could be singing. You stopped before he could look over the sides. It would all be over if he saw you. It was the curse of your kind. No man could resist the beauty the water portrayed you to be.

You stopped singing when the anchor dropped once more, returning to mimic sea life grabbing at bait. Holding onto the lines until they snapped, hearing the whoops of joy as the man through he’d caught something big. With one last tug you swam to the front of the boat. The anchor chain crumbling in your white knuckled fists. The boat set adrift. You grabbed ahold of the tip of the boat, hauling yourself upwards and onto the small ship. Sitting behind the man who was trying to salvage at least one of his lines.

You let laughter bubble past your lips as he swore, kicking his fishing gear over the side of the boat in anger. He spun around, chest heaving until his eyes landed on you. They went wide, and he stumbled back, tripping over and landing on his back.

“Wh-Who a-a-are y-you?” He stumbled over his demand, pulling himself up into a sitting position. Eyes locked on you.

“Your Death.” You replied, your lips curling up in a smirk. You would make him regret ever touching a woman in anger.


He was gasping for air, blood dripping down his body as you gave him the gentle shove that sent him splashing into the waters below. He immediately starting trying to swim back to the boat, hands clutching onto the sides. Lacking the strength to pull himself up. A smirk twisting your features as you dove in after him. Singing softly until his attention was locked on you. You could tell the moment he was under your spell. His grip on the boat loosening as he slipped into the waters embrace. Attention locked on you, his wounds and the pain you had inflicted forgotten. Swimming down towards you, breathe held as you let yourself sink closer and closer to the ocean floor.

You faltered in your song, smirking as his head shook, realising that he was beneath the water. The wide eyed fear in his eyes as he realised it was too late. His screaming lungs filling with water before he could realise what he was doing.

You swooped in, this was a meal you would never feel guilt over.


You were back the next morning. Wondering if the man had spun a siren spell on you as you walked up the beach at midnight. Settling yourself in the sand. Laying back to watch the few stars not obscured by the city’s lights.

It did not faze you when you were joined, eyes flicking to the muscular man for only a moment before returning your gaze to the sky. You could smell the blood on him, it was not human. So faint that he must have washed most the evidence off before heading for the beach. Gunpowder lingering the air around him. Metallic smoke like that of a fire wafting from his shirts. A tiny hint of tobacco and washing soap that you guessed transferred over from where ever he was staying. It was odd, you were used to smelling sweat from hard working men, mixed with whatever smelling salts they had on hand.

“He will not be coming back.” You eventually spoke, rolling onto your side to look at the man. Unlike the last two mornings he was fully dressed. His eyes flickered down to you, allowing you a glimpse of the stunning hazel once more. Returning his gaze to the ocean, watching the sun start to rise from it’s watery grave.

“What did you do?” He asked, his feet digging into the sand as his hands linked over his legs.

“Took care of it. No woman should be treated like that.” You replied simply, he had no need for the small details. A small smile tugging at your lips as you remembered that he would never hurt anyone again.

“I’m not saying he didn’t deserve it... but-” A sigh passed his lips as he hung his head. You sat up, reaching for his shoulder. You hand dropping before you could touch his skin.

“You are leaving.” You tilted your head to the side, watching him.

“Yeah, job’s done.” He looked at you, this time not looking away. His eyes trailing down your frame. Hesitating on your long bare legs. You knew what he was thinking, saw the lust burning in his eyes when they returned to you.

“You intrigued me though. I’ve been running along this beach all week. Then one day you show up.” He shrugged, looking back at your face before turning away again.

“Thought I should at least come say hi.” He smiled when he looked back to you, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Deep sadness radiating back at you instead.

“Hi.” You whispered, laying back down to stare up at the stars. He laughed quietly, and you looked at him as he returned his gaze to the ocean you called home. He opened his mouth to say something, before closing it again.

“Be careful, my kind will hunt your kind if there are too many disappearances in one place.” He finally spoke, standing and brushing the sand off his clothes. The small particles carried on the wind brushing against your legs. He started to walk away, before pausing. Offering you his hand.

“Unless you want to come with me?”

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