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“What can I say? You’re special.”

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Cas One Week Writers Challenge

Word count: 1540

Pairing: Castiel x Reader (Little sis Winchester again. I couldn’t resist)

So the timeline might be inconsistant, but I still haven’t seen 11, and I know the season 10 ending... but I felt that this fit better here... Meh...

This continues on from the one shot: “You need to learn how to knock.”

You hummed as you felt your lovers hands on your shoulders, massaging the knots that were slowly accumulating as you haunched over the bunkers table.

“Any luck?” You asked quietly, dropping your head forward into your hands.

“Nothing.” Sam startled you when he replied instead, a pile of books thumping down beside you. You tilted your head to look at your brother, raising an eyebrow at him.

“We found some books, but nothing that will help Dean.” You sighed, leaning back into your lovers chest. His hands resting on your shoulders.

“We’ll find something.” Castiel promised, his lips pressing to the top of your head. You sighed, closing your eyes and reaching up to entwine your fingers through his.

“I hope so.” Your hand was lifted so Castiel could press a kiss to it. You smiled, tipping you head back to look at him. He smiled when he noticed your eyes on him, leaning down to steal a kiss from your lips.

“Really?” You glanced over to Dean as he strode into the room and pulled a face.

“Sam we got a case.” He continued, as you stuck your tongue out at him. Castiel most likely acting more sheepish than you. Despite procuring both your brothers blessing Castiel was still cautious around them, even three years after they’d walked in on you two.

“Already? Dean I just got back.” Sam groaned, lifting his head from where it had slumped on the table.

“Monster’s don’t wait for beauty sleep Sammy. Unless you want me to take Y/N?” You perked up at the thought of being allowed on a hunt. You’d been confined to the bunker since you’d let it slip to Sam that you weren’t feeling too well.

“I’m coming.” Sam groaned, pushing himself to his feet, reaching over to ruffle your hair. You smiled softly at him.

“When you feel better you can babysit him.” Sam smiled, picking up his duffle bag and walking back towards the garage. Dean shot you a smirk.

“Have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He walked over to check your temperature. Ignoring your attempts to fight him off.

“That’s a short list.” You complained, your arms folding as you pouted. Trying not to smile as Dean laughed.

“That it is Princess. Cas look after my baby sister.” Dean clapped Castiel on the back as he followed after your brother. Castiel released your shoulders. Sliding into the seat and letting his head flop down on the table. You reached over, running your fingers through his hair.

“Sleepy angel?” You teased softly,

“You know it is impossible for angels to sleep.” Castiel grumbled, moving his head to look at you.

“But yes, I am exhausted. Some days I do not understand how your brothers do it.” He continued, watching you smile sadly.

“Our father wasn’t the nicest man. He worked those boys to the bone. If my mama wasn’t so stubborn I’m sure he would have done the same for me. We don’t understand how he could have been so nice to Adam. Why he cared for him and not us.” You looked to your hands as you spoke, entwining your fingers together. Castiel reached out, closing his fingers around yours and waiting until you looked up at him.

“I think your father loved you and the Winchesters more than he did Adam. He taught you all how to defend yourselves. Your younger brother was not so lucky.” You considered your lovers words. No one really spoke of John Winchester anymore, the reason that the Winchester brothers were your family.

“Y/N?” A squeeze of your fingers brought you from your thoughts. “I did not mean to upset you. I am sorry.” You could see the worry and regret in the angel's blue eyes. His attention entirely captured by you.

“You didn’t Cas. I was just thinking. Sorry.” Castiel smiled softly, standing up. His hand slipping into yours and pulling you to your feet.

“Where are we going?” You asked as he lead you from the room. You followed him regardless. You trusted Castiel with your life, and more importantly; Your heart.

“A surprise my love.” He replied, stopping so he could stand behind you and cover your eyes.

“Cas.” You complained, clasping your hands over his, but you couldn’t pull his hands from your eyes. His amused chuckle making you pout.

“Patience love.” He whispered in your ear, making sure your eyes were covered as he nudged you forward.

You couldn’t be sure where you ended up. You lost track after the fiveth right turn, and you were certain that Castiel had you walking in circles just to disorientate you.

“Are we there yet?” You teased as you came to a complete stop. Castiel’s chest pressed to your back. His hands still over your eyes, but slowly they slipped down to rest on your hips.

“Open your eyes love.” Castiel coaxed, you waited a second before opening your eyes. Your jaw dropped in the same second. You were in one of the larger spare rooms, fairy lights had been strung over the ceiling and they dangled down the walls. A table was set up with candles surrounding it in one corner, and at a simple hand motion from Castiel soft music filled the air.

“Surprise.” Castiel kissed your head, before releasing you to strip of his trenchcoat, leaving him in just a suit. You smiled at him, your own hands drifting down to the shirt you had stolen from Dean years ago and the half torn old jeans.

“I am so underdressed.” You complained, Castiel only smiled, leaning down to kiss you.

“I have never seen you look more beautiful. Come on.” He offered you his arm, and when you took it he lead you to the table, pulling out your seat for you. Waiting until you were settled to lift the silver cover off of the plates. You couldn’t help but laugh when you saw burgers beneath the tray. Clearly Dean had been the ‘chef’ for your date night.

“I’m sorry love. It was supposed to be your favourite food.” Castiel frowned, sitting opposite you. He rested his hands on the table where his plate would have been if he was human. You reached out for his hands, rubbing your thumb along his knuckles.

“This is amazing Cas, thank you.” He smiled at you, taking your breath away with just how one simple sentence could make him light up. You left your hand with his. Picking up the burger and starting to eat. You had plenty of practise at eating burgers after all, and you had no plans to return your partner's hand to him.

You were both still sitting there long after dinner was finished, laughing and playfully flirting with each other as the candle lit dimmed. Taking the time to enjoy each others company without the pressures of outside life.

“Dance with me.” Castiel stood, taking your hand as he helped you to your feet. Leading you to the middle of the empty room, his arm wrapping around your waist. You let your head rest against his shoulder as you both swayed on the spot.

“I have something to tell you.” Castiel whispered after the third song, when your eyes were starting to drift shut.

“Oh?” You didn’t bother pulling away from your lover, his lips against the top of your head.

“You aren’t sick love. You’re pregnant.” You heart stopped with Castiel’s words, your entire body tensing. Pregnant? You couldn’t be?

“What?!” You tried to pull away from Castiel, but he held you tightly. His hand running up and down your back as you fisted your hands in his shirt.

“I can’t be Cas!” You panicked, your breath caught in your throat. It was only for your lovers calming breaths, the rise and fall of his chest against yours that kept your breathing steady.

“Y/N.” Cas tried to calm you down, but you fought against it. Dean was still adorned with the mark, You and Sam had to fix it. The angels were still locked out of heaven, and you were pregnant. It was all too much.

“Y/N.” His hands gripped at your shoulders, and you found yourself looking up at your lover. Castiel crouched in front of you, his blue eyes wide and full of worry.

“Why? How?” You gasped,

“What can I say? You’re special to me. Apparently father agrees. It is really hard for angel’s to procreate with non-angels. Some angels argue that nephilim are only born of soul mates. Someone who can withstand the test of raising a half angel child.” Surprisingly, your lovers Rambling calmed you down.

“What can you tell me, about our kid.” Castiel frowned, sitting down in front of you.

“Nothing for certain, but I know you will be an amazing mother. Your brothers will both spoil our child, and I will never leave you.” You shifted to sit in Castiel’s lap. Grabbing his hand and entwining it with yours before you rested it on your stomach. Castiel didn’t hesitate to shift your hands to where you assumed it was that your child was growing.

“I love you.” Castiel whispered. You smiled leaning your head back to kiss him.

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