Heya Everyone,
I'll be honest, when I sat down to write today's blog post I was uninspired and had no motivation. All I wanted to do was find something old, fix it a touch, and return to my game. (I finally caved and got Minecraft, and it is so addictive).
BUT! I didn't, in my hunt for something old I discovered that I had written some more of Spy Affairs, which we've previously seen twice, as a glimpse into James, and as the start of Chapter One. So I finished chapter one, and that's what you see before you today.
Now I'm both motivated and inspired... funny how that worked.
Until Next Week, Enjoy!
My entire body tensed as the wedding music started, bridesmaids chosen by my father curtsying to me before lining up outside the doorway that would lead me to Prince James, the man my father chose for me to marry. The man that I was expected to spend the rest of my life serving.
“He is a good man.” My mother assured me, leaning forward to kiss my cheek before walking into the church ahead of me. They didn’t know I’d snuck away to see him, in fact, my father had expressly forbidden such an act.
My grip tightened on father’s arm, watching as the bridesmaids started a walk they had no doubt been practising for weeks, his hand sliding over mine and loosening my hold slightly as he manoeuvred us into position. People flocking closer to fix up my dress before I could be seen, camera’s flashing all around us, a fake smile tugging at father’s lips as a video camera zoomed in closer.
I forced myself to relax, schooling my features as the music changed and father started walking, only tugging me forward once before I fell into step beside him.
Crowds of nobles from both countries stood either side, heads craned around to try be the first to catch sight of me, but I noticed a few people staring forward. There was no doubt in my mind that it was those that had disapproved of the union, not only between us but between our countries. Those that had no desire to call me their Queen nor James their King once the marriage was done, but had shown up because it was what was expected of them.
“Smile.” Father hissed at me under his breath, my eyes raising to rest on Prince James’ back, knowing he wasn’t allowed to turn and look at me until I was by his side. Instead, my eyes skipped from him and instead into the audience, searching for Maylene. If any of the wedding had been up to me, she would have been at my side, my maid of honour and the woman who I had planned the entire thing with, but I had no say in any of it. Instead, I could only hope that she had found a way to be at my big day.
But my eyes never saw her, a nudge from father reminding me to look forward, watch the back of the man I was to pledge my life to grow closer with each well-timed step. The fake smile turning real as father placed my hands into those of Prince James, saying the words that would have me rid of him forever.
Prince James smiled as he turned to face me, his sweaty hands clenched in my own cool ones. I knew he was worried, scared, I could see it in the way his eyes failed to sparkle as they looked down at me. Neither of us wanted this, but we both knew we had no choice. It was our duty and burden to bare as heirs and rulers.
My smile, in turn, was much more realistic, my time at the academy had taught me exactly how to fake it, and as long as I thought of this as just another mission I would get through the day just fine. My mark the man in front of me, suited in navy black with a white shirt beneath his blazer. The colour making his blue eyes seem all the more vibrant as they scanned me the way mine were him.
“Lady Maylene wanted me to tell you that ‘she wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world’.” James’ voice was barely a whisper as he bent his head closer to my ear, making sure to take the one closest to the priest so that the cameras wouldn’t pick up on it.
“She’s here.” Even I couldn’t hide the relief in my voice as my eyes flicked to the crowd once more, searching for her familiar face amongst a sea of nobles.
“Your highnesses, are we ready to begin?” Prince James drew back, his hands squeezing mine as he nodded to the priest. It was time. Time to become both man and wife and a single country united under our reign.
“May I present, for the first time, as husband and wife. Their royal majesties, King James and Queen Sofia Ormond-Fontaine of Askia. You may kiss the bride.” King James raised an eyebrow at me in silent question at the Priest’s nods, silently asking me if it was okay. I smiled softly in response, no matter how I felt, it was what was required to finalise the deal our parents had made. With the brush of his lips against mine, the weight of a new country settled firmly on our shoulders, and our fates were sealed in the same gold bands that wrapped around our fingers.
King James took his hands from mine to instead offer me his arm, ready to walk down the aisle and to his palace where we had a short amount of time before the reception. I slipped my arm through his, barely paying any attention to the bridesmaids that rushed forward to rearrange my gown as I turned back down the aisle with my new husband.
We paused outside the doors as photographers rushed forward to take more photo’s of us, King James waving and smiling to the crowd as I did the same.
“Your Majesties, we have a short time frame, please.” A man I recognised from my secret visit to meet King James moved forward, guards at his heels to move the cameramen out of the way and clear a path towards the awaiting horse drawn carriage.
“Of course Hamish, if you are ready my Queen?” My arm was still looped through his, but he didn’t move, instead waiting patiently for my answer.
“Of course,” I replied, grasping at my dress so that I wouldn’t step on it as I walked down the stairs. My father would kill me if he noticed that I was looking at the ground, so I could only estimate where the next step was and hope that King James wouldn’t allow me to fall down the stairs on our wedding day.
“Here.” He let go of my arm to wrap his own around my waist, the other resting gently beneath my arm as I gathered my dress up properly, able to step freely now that nothing was in my way.
“Lady Maylene asked me to inform you that she has another gown more suited to your style at the palace your majesty.” Hamish stood at the other side of me, hands loosely at his side, but I knew just from the way he held himself that he was prepared to step in and help should it look like I was about to fall.
“Thank you Lord Hamish.” I replied with a smile, glancing at him before returning my attention to the awaiting carriage, able to release my dress once we reached the end of the steps. King James quickly let go of my arm but left his arm around my waist as he lead me the last few steps towards the carriage.
Like the car, the carriage had no roof, gold decorations and colourful streamers made it stand out from the motorbikes that would escort us on our trip. Four brilliant white stallions waited patiently, unfazed by the crowds that lined the streets and screamed at us. Still waving the new flag of our unified country and chanting it’s name ‘Askia’.
Habit had my eyes scanning both the crowds and surrounding buildings, looking for any sign that the brotherhood was waiting to take me out now that I was wed and my country was also that of King James. I knew the sisterhood wouldn’t harm my new husband, they had promised me that much when the news of my engagement reached us. All I wanted was an end to the war that had cost so many of my sisters there lives.
“Your Majesty.” My head snapped back to Lord Hamish, realising his eyes were watching my every action, King James doing much the same. They must have been waiting for me to enter the carriage first.
“Sorry, of course.” I stepped forward, lifting my skirts and using the small wooden staircase to enter the carriage and sit down, aware that King James was right behind me.
“I asked if you were alright.” He whispered to me, before waving at the crowds as the carriage started to move once more.
“Just surprised that the brotherhood hasn’t made a move on my life.” I answered honestly, raising one hand to wave at the crowds on my side of the carriage.
“As I am the sisterhood, but surely they have to have realised that our wedding may not be the best time for that. Surely they will do nothing until our coronation, I am certain that my parents had it included that should anything happen to one of us, or should we decide that our marriage is not what is best for Askia then we can change the agreement, nothing is truly binding until that crown is placed upon our heads and the oath has been sworn.” King James answered, his eyes drifting over to me. “I didn’t get a chance to say it earlier, but you look gorgeous.”
The smile that lit up my face must have surprised him, because he leant in closer, the thoughts of the crowd abandoned in favour of kissing my cheek, his free hand entwining through mine as his eyes dropped to my lips before lifting back up again.
“I was worried, this dress is not my style. My father picked it out, it makes me feel out of place.” I explained, dropping my hand and turning run my free hand through the raven hair that I had been longing to play with since we had met before settling it on his cheek.
“Well my Queen, you made it seem like you have lived in those dresses your whole life, no one would have been able to tell any differently.” King James answered, leaning into my touch and squeezing our entwined fingers gently. With a glance to his lips, I leant forward, stealing a kiss that he returned. Only pulling away when the cheers of our people turned into screams and calls of joy. King James smirked at me, pressing a feather light kiss to my lips before returning to the task of waving to those gathered as I did the same.