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Spy Affairs - The Beginning

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

If you remember a few months ago, I made a post called 'Spy Affairs' with the prologue and part of Chapter one of a story I was rewriting. Today's post is from the same story but set before the start of it. A glimpse into the mind of the main male character in the days before his wedding. I hope you like it.

A yawn crept past my lips as the voice of my parents and hers droned on, I knew I should have been paying attention to what was being said. Officials from both countries were gathered around the huge table, arguing until they could find the best option for both countries, writing the agreement that would take place the second I was wed. The rules in place for the joining of two countries.

“Are we boring you, James?” My father, King Charles, asked a twinkle in his eyes as he glanced over to me.

“Why is the Princess not here? This is to be her country as well, she is to be my Queen after all.” I demanded, my eyes drifting to the opposite side of the table, where there was an empty seat beside Queen Chrisanda, left empty at her daughter was absence.

“The Princess is unable to attend today or any of the meetings. I can assure you she will be there for the wedding.” Her father, the King Edward of Axia answered, lifting his head from the notes his scribe was taking to answer the question.

“Are you telling me that I will not meet my future wife until the day we are married?” I stood, glancing between my parents and hers. “You are writing the laws you expect us to rule our Kingdom by, and you do not even afford her the decency for her to be here?”

“My daughter is at school, learning how to be a good Queen and an even better wife. She will remain there, learning all she can, until the day when you are wed.” The King mimicked me, standing in anger, ignoring the way his own wife placed a hand on his arm.

“James, we should take a moment..” Lord Hamish stood, pulling me out of the room as I bristled with anger. My father caught the door before it could shut, following after us. Words already falling from Duke Tristan’s lips to cover for our sudden departure.

“Calm down now,” Hamish ordered, pushing me out onto a balcony, I took a deep breath, turning to watch my boys training on the grounds below. They all turned to salute me when one of the trainers noticed my presence before going straight back to work.

“I only agreed to this because I wanted to meet her, watch her as we figured out how to rule the country that is to be ours. I want to know about the woman I am expected to marry for the sake of joining two kingdoms into one.” I started speaking, nodding to the boys below. “Show her the palace she will call her home, and tell her about the all-boys school that occupies it at my order. Instead, I am wasting my time in a conversation that I don’t have a say in any way. I have arrangements to make before I am crowned, people to hire and run background checks before I am wed and returning here with my wife.” I ignored my father as I turned to Hamish, who was standing just behind me, his arms folded across his chest as he listened to me.

“Then don’t go back, the Duke and I can take notes, and I’m sure his highness can fill you in on what is decided. I’ll raise a point about the pair of you meeting privately before the wedding. Tristan can back me up, and should we fail we can do some research ourselves. I’m sure whatever school she’s at would love a visit from their future King.” Hamish smiled, dropping his arms and taking a step forward. “Think like a King, not like a man, not like a prince. Anything you want, we will get done for you. Now go burn off that steam and let us handle this.” I turned my attention to my father, standing in the doorway and watching us interact.

“He is right my son, you will be King the second you are wed, it is the agreement we have made. If you want to meet her before you two become King and Queen of a unified country, then we shall make it happen. You know your mother and I wish that we didn’t have to use your marriage to end this war.”

“I know father, but it’s my duty as Prince. I just wish I could know something about her first, make this whole thing easier on her. I doubt she want’s this any more than I do.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, this whole deal was a mess, but it was one that would save thousands of lives and unity two former enemies as one.

“I will help Lord Hamish, you will meet the Princess. I promise.”

“Thanks, father, you both better get back. King Edward seemed mad, and mother will be worried.”


I sighed, running a towel through my hair and stepping out onto the balcony, a phone pressed to my ear. Tristan was on the other end, filling me in on everything he had learnt about my wife, despite being a recognizable figure at my side, he blended in elsewhere with ease, the perfect trait for my spymaster.

“My sources tell me that she escaped from the school yesterday, they don’t know when to expect her back, but there is more.” Tristan stopped speaking, words hanging unsaid in the air.

“How can there be more Tristan? My future wife has run away, no doubt from our marriage and the responsibilities that come with it.” I asked as he hesitated, unwilling to tell me whatever else it was he had discovered.

“I saw Lady Maylene, the personal assistant you hired for her majesty. She was leaving the school with a file. I didn’t send her, did you?” A frown tugged at my lips, I had seen her this morning, going over things with the woman we had hired to serve as Ladies Maids for the Princess.

“No, but we ran a check on her ages ago. She’s squeaky clean. No doubt she overheard us talking about how curious we were about the Princess and decided to do something about it.” I offered,

“Perhaps, with your permission, I will do more digging into Lady Maylene, just to be sure.” He offered, but I knew even if I refused he would do it anyway, it was the job he was hired to do.

“Go for it, the last thing I want is to put the Princess in danger, if the sisterhood seeks to end this union we must stop them before they do anything.” My hands clenched at the thought that the sisterhood may harm the Princess in an effort to stop the marriage, stop the uniting of our kingdoms and the end of the war they’d been such a huge part of.

“Of course your highness.” Tristan ended the call, and I raised my eyes to see a car coming down the long driveway, pulling to a stop right outside the door. Maylene stepping out, and going to the back of the car to open it. I glanced at the phone in my hand, before deciding just to go and ask Maylene herself.

“Your highness.” She greeted me as I stepped out the front door, my personal guards on my heels.

“Maylene, where have you been?” I asked, watching her pull bags out of the car.

“I went to her highnesses school to gather some of her belongings before the wedding. I wanted her to feel at home here. The rest of her stuff she is still using, it will be sent over when she leaves for her family’s palace. I also got her highnesses measurements and preferred style of clothing so we can acquire a new wardrobe for her.” My servants stepped forward to pick up the bags and take them towards the room I’d assigned to the woman that would be the Queen.

“She’s fully dedicated to this marriage your highness, you have nothing to worry about on that front. She just wishes that you could meet before the wedding, she is very curious about what you expect of her.” Maylene handed over all the bags except one, keeping a tight hold on a black briefcase, shaking her head as one of my boys went to take it off her.

“Could you arrange it?” The words left my lips before I could even think about it,  my desire to meet her before the wedding stronger than anything else.

“Her father forbade it, but if it is what your highness wishes, then it can be arranged. Secretly of course. May I borrow your phone?” I handed over the device without question, watching as she put down the briefcase and dial a number, a smile on her lips as she listened to it ring.

“It’s May, he wants to meet, can you come back?” I couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation but was curious as to how the Princess would react to the casual way she was spoken to. “Your father never has to know. I covered for your escape from school, didn’t I? What are a few more hours? Come on Sofia, you know you want to.” I made a note to tell Tristian what I had overheard her say, and to look into the casual way she addressed the Princess. She had never mentioned it during the interview, and her file lacked any information about a personal relationship with the woman already.

“She’ll be here in ten minutes.” His phone was pressed back into his hand, and Maylene walked away, leaving him ten minutes to get ready to meet the woman he would spend the rest of his life with.

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