Heya Everyone! Just a short little story for y'all today! We were given the prompt 'The guide' in class at the end of last semester, and I, naturally, took it a little too far. Writing a 'twisted lullaby' type story. I had intended for it to seem upbeat and happy, only for one to realise at the end that the main characters may not be alive. But I've added a bit more backstory towards the start. I don't know how I feel about it. It may get rewritten again, it may not. A mystery only time will solve.
The Guide: A twisted lullaby.
The ocean is our guide. Its cold waters and chilling winds show us the world it wants us to see. Washing us away on king tides and killer waves. Our steadily thinning frames wrapped in aging wet weather gear, facing the oncoming storm as we are swept through the roaring forties.
We had lost engine power weeks ago, the fuel tanks emptying out, the motor giving way as we strained it with each failed attempt to reach land. Our mast having disintegrated in the midst of the tropical cyclone that shoved us to start on our journey. Our safe haven breached by mother nature's sheer determination to destroy the vessel we claimed as our home.
Our radio was rendered useless without the antenna our mast provided. So the ocean became our guide, leading us on false tides and tugging at us with towering waves. Leaving us praying that our food and water would last until we crossed paths with another ship, someone who could be our saviours.
Our guide has other plans, lulling us to sleep under starlit skies. Offering a false sense of security only to tear it from our hands. We see the beauty of nature as we alternate between searing hot winds and freezing nights. At mother nature's orders, our guide plays with us.
Taunting us with glimpses of land as we are pulled in the opposite direction. A ship disappearing behind the horizon we had seemingly been lingering on.
Our food supply dwindles, fleeting showers providing us with enough fresh water to keep going. Our guide shall have us perish before we reach safe shores once more. Mother Nature will have her sacrifice and the world will spin on. Our guide lulling us into an endless, dreamless sleep. Showing us the world along the way.