So one of the girls at work the other day complained that her shoulder hurt. Of course, that's not what I heard her say. I thought she said her shadow hurt... and decided that I simply had to use that for something. I mean... how could I resist?
My Shadow Hurts:
My Shadow is afraid.
It hides from the light, using me as a shield.
It vanishes into the night,
Slinking away where no one knows.
My Shadow is weighted down.
Bearing a burden never meant to rest on it's Opaque shoulders.
It shrinks away from any sense of duty,
Chained to a flesh cage of bone.
My Shadow is Loyal
It stays by my side, no matter what I face.
It always has my back,
Supporting me through thick and thin.
My Shadow Hurts.
My Shadow is afraid.
My Shadow is Weighted Down.
My Shadow is Loyal.
And so am I.
Short Drabble:
It was abnormal, she thought, to feel the pain of one's shadow scraping along the cobbled stone walkway behind yourself. To wince with pain with each additional step; feet feeling like they were being crushed beneath a truck.
One was never supposed to feel their shadow's pain. It was supposed to be a silent companion, always there no matter what you faced. Always returning when a light shines brightly. So why could she feel hers? What had happened, that she should be forced to endure the pain of a thousand knives slicing into her back. The trample of footsteps as crowds surged past her.
She was surprised that she couldn't feel other people's emotions and pain as her shadow bent at odd angles to brush them by, a gentle feather in comparison to the burning the black tarseal footpaths offered willingly.
What God had she angered to notice such a thing? Each little action like she was trying to break bones with the sheer force of her own mind. Surely this was some sort of curse, to be stuck in the darkness forever. Where still her Shadow Hurts.
Children's Book (Planning):
Hahaa, so obviously I can't add the pictures in, and with a childs book you rely on the pictures to tell the story. So the italics is briefly what I imagined in the pictures, you could see something else, and that's perfectly alright!
Do you think your shadow feels pain?
No? Why not? If Peter Pan’s shadow can fall off and fly away why can’t your shadow hurt?
I think it is possible, but our shadow can’t talk to tell us it hurts. So it just has to hush.
Mia vs The Talking Shadow:
5) “OW!” Mia looks around her bedroom, wondering what is making all the noise.
Picture: Mia in her bedroom, her shadow beside her looking very upset and sore. Mia appears to be 4 or 5 years old.
7) “OW! OW! OW!” Mia runs to Mummy.
Picture: Mia’s Mum is watching TV and folding the washing. Mia enters through the doorway.
“Mummy Mummy! Something keeps saying ‘OW’!” Mia’s mother laughs, Picture: The dog is sniffing Mia, tail wagging as she talks to her mum.
9) “It is you Mia?” Mia shakes her head. Picture: Mia’s shadow is watching t.v. silently. Laying on it’s stomach.
“No Mummy. It’s not me. Listen!” Mia stomps around the room with her hands on her hips.
“OW! OW! OW!” Mia’s Mum is listening, the dog sitting beside her with her head tilted to the side. Picture: Mum and Dog are on the couch, both watching Mia. Her mum is smiling, trying not to laugh. While Mia’s shadow is trying to grab at the ground, yelling.
11) “I can’t hear anything Mia.” Mum says, going back to folding the washing. “Maybe it’s coming from outside.”
“GOOD IDEA MUM!” Picture: Mia leaves the room, with the dog racing along behind her.
13) “OW IT'S HOT!” Mia frowns, her hands on her hips. Picture: Mia with her hands on her hips, the dog sitting beside her. Her shadow is trying to flinch away from the ground.
“No it’s cold.” Mia replies stubbornly, looking around for anyone other than the dog.
15) “OW!” “Is that you Rufus?” Picture: Mia is talking to her dog, petting it. Her shadow, unimpressed, is watching.
“No! It’s hot! Please move!” Mia glances around, seeing an earthworm crawling through the lawn. Picture: An earthworm mid-crawl on the far page. Mia pointing at it.
17) “Is it you Mr Worm?” Mia asked quietly, laying down on the ground. Picture: The earthworm rises up and shakes his head. Mia is lying ON TOP of her shadow. Her dog lays down beside her.
“No, not me.” The earthworm whispered back.
19) “OW! You’re heavy! OW!” Mia gets up quickly, looking beneath her. She can’t see anything there. She sits up with a sigh. Picture: Mia and her dog sit side by side. Her shadow looks very squashed, still laying on the ground. “Ow!”
“STOP IT! WHERE ARE YOU!?” Mia yells, folding her arms over her chest. Picture: Mia is very upset. Her dog licks her hand. Her shadow squirming away from Shadow Dog’s tongue.
“Down here.” Mia looks down, but she doesn’t notice her shadow.
21) “I can’t see you!” Mia stomps her foot angrily. How dare they hide from her! She wanted to know why they kept saying OW!
“I’m your shadow.” Picture: Her shadow is waving. Mia’s dog is sitting beside her, head tilted to the side.
23) “My Shadow. You can talk?” Mia sits down, looking at her shadow.
“Yes, but only you can hear me, and only because it’s a very special day...”
25) “MIA!” Mum yells, interrupting. Mia looks up to the porch where mum is. Picture: Mia’s mom has a plate of pancakes. Mia starts walking towards her, her shadow being pulled along. The dog racing ahead.
“Did you find what it was?” Mia’s mum asks,
27) “Yeah Mum! My Shadow hurts!” Mia answers, taking a pancake.
“Oh?” Picture: Mia’s Mum looks confused, feeding a Pancake to the dog. Mia’s Shadow is eating a Shadow Pancake.
29) “She said it’s a very special day! Pancake day!” Mia laughs, looking at her shadow. Mia’s mum starts laughing as well.
“That it is Mia.” Picture: Everyone looks very happy.
So yeah! Just a bit of fun for this week. I couldn't figure out how to write a news article. I had the television version planned, but not quite the aim... What else could we come up with?