Seeing as we made a character the other week, (click here if ya wanna read that), I figured it was only fitting to use her as the next blog post. Unfortunately due to my poor health, this plan didn't quite make it last week... BUT IT DID THIS WEEK! Woo!! ((Also, next week is Chapter Two)). Please note those links will take you to my blog.
Space Pirates (Working Title):
Chapter One:
Carina was silent as she stared out the stars passing by the ship that doubled as her and her father's home. The captain carefully navigating past the giant burning balls of gas that had separated them from the planet she was desperate to avoid. Her fingers traced the marks that danced along her skin, distancing her from those that she had once belonged to.
“You worry too much Carina.” Her father looked up from his journal, watching her over the top of his half-rimmed glasses as she turned away from the ship's giant windows and towards him.
“This planet has never been friendly to the Alliance father, you and mother should be more worried.” Her hands locked in front of her long skirts, walking over to her father and taking the journal from his hands.
“You worry more than enough for both of us, we will be fine, I promise you.” He stood, pressing his lips to her head.
“And now I worry what mother will do if we are late for dinner once more.” He laughed, offering her his arm, she accepted, letting him lead her towards the dining room. His soothing voice trying to keep her mind from the planet that awaited them in the morning, the place she had fled from years ago.
“Pirates incoming!” Her father’s grip tightened on her as soon as the pre-recorded warning sounded, spinning them both back around towards his office, and the safe room that was hidden within.
“Sir!” Armed guard sprung from their posts against the walls, racing towards them and flanking them as an escort, as per the protocol that had been ingrained in her since she first started accompanying her adoptive parents. Hands on her shoulders as they rushed her and her father towards one of the safest places on the ship. The same hands that shoved her towards a wall as the entire ship was thrown widely to the side, knocking them back as everything went dark.
“CARINA!” She could barely make out her father's voice over the ringing in her ears, forcing her eyes open despite the desire to sleep. She’d felt this all before, the pain in her head after being slammed down and beaten.
Red emergency lights highlighted the silhouette of her father, dragged backwards by guards towards his office, more guards were on the floor around her. Groans falling from their lips as they tried to pick themselves up off the floor, fighting through the pain, knowing they had to protect the commander's daughter.
Carina could barely hear her father’s screams over those of the ship's hull as it was forced apart. The walls caving in and smashing into the corridor above her head, drawing a scream from her as debris fell on the guards, blood spilling onto the floor. Carina looked to where her father had been, screaming for him as a hand wrapped around her bicep, hauling her to her feet.
“We’ve been looking for you Rat.”