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Victoria vs Sombra - Diary Style.

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

If there was one thing Victoria Charming hated most... it was cats. With their too sharp claws, bad habit of catching any small rodent that moved, and the fact that they shed EVERYWHERE. So when one little black kitten claimed her as her new carer. Victoria could only do one thing... accept it.

So I borrowed her friend's house, and her cat kept me company whilst I was there. Which gave me this idea - so thanks. I wanted to try writing in diary form again - I’ve done it every time I’ve attempted to keep a personal diary. The dates are in DD/MM/YY format, - and not done every day.


Today was an okay day. I had to stay late at work to finish lazy-Louie's damn reports again. If I do all his work the least they can do is pay me more, but the bosses keep letting it go, and I’m the one that gets in trouble if it’s not done.

It’s been three days and Chad still isn’t home. Stephanie says he won’t be coming back this time, but he will. He always does. Taking his time to cool down before coming home. He loves me.

Anyway. I’m tired. Goodnight.


It’s been a week, officially the longest Chad’s ever been gone. Stephanie still reckons he’s not coming back. She’s wrong. He loves me. I know he does. I’m sure he’ll be home tomorrow.

Nothing else has changed. Holly might be getting me a new job with her, though. I haven’t decided if I want it. I’ve never done anything like that before, but the pay would be better and she says I’d get a lot more respect than I currently do.


I got a call from Chad today. He’s not coming home. Ever. He’s asked me to leave the house unlocked tomorrow so a friend can collect his stuff. I think it’ll probably be Jacob - he normally blackmails Jacob into doing his dirty work. I think heard another female laughing in the background. A familiar laugh. I can’t figure out where I know it from. Maybe I’m in shock. Chad and I have been together since high school. This has to be some cruel prank. Payback from the last fight... It can’t be real... Right?


All his stuff is gone - his clothes were stuffed into black bags and thrown into a car. His friends were pissed to be having to do it - they told me as much. Even let me keep most the stuff we brought together.

I took the day off work to help sort through it all. Jacob said Chad had no intention of coming back. Held me as the realisation that it wasn’t a prank sunk in. That maybe this really was the end. He even called Holly - who insisted on giving Chad back the ring he brought me. She said it would be a permanent reminder of what he ‘threw away’. Her bag is on the spare bed - she’s gonna stay for a while.


I caught up with the girls during my lunch break today, brought up how I thought Chad was going to come back to me any day. Stephanie told me just to move on. Holly just glared at her - I think something's going on between them. Then again, Holly hasn’t really ever got along with Stephanie.

Holly’s boss has offered me an interview - I think I’m going to go. Lazy-Louie went on holiday - unapproved - and dumped all his work on my desk before he left. That’s cool. I don’t care, I didn’t want a weekend off anyway.

Something weird has been happening in my house ever since we got rid of Chad’s stuff. Things keep getting knocked over while we’re out at work. Food’s been going missing. My couch has been messed up. Holly think’s it’s haunted by memories. She’s already looking for a new place for us to rent together. Her apartment is too small for both of us, and... well the haunted thing.

I don’t really want to move. Chad and I bought this place together. Saving pennies throughout university until we could afford the down payment. The mortgage disappearing as we both switched to earning full time. This was our home.


I found out the truth today. Holly broke down and told me when I said I was going out for a drink with Stephanie and her new boyfriend. I didn’t believe her of course. Stephanie and I had been best friends our whole lives... But then I got to our favourite club, and there they were dancing together. Kissing as his hand slid up her shirt.

Before tonight I’d never been in a proper fight or kicked out of a club. I never had to with Stephanie at my side, no one dared pick a fight with her. I’m not no one. She’s in hospital, and so is he. It took three bouncers to pull me away. Three! Holly said she’d never seen me so angry - not even when she’d walked in on one of mine and Chad’s infamous fights.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so betrayed.


I quit my job today. I threw Chad’s stuff onto the lawn today. Smashed the china set he’d bought for my birthday - the one I’d dreamed about since I was a child. I pulled all the photo’s from the frames that had hung on walls since we’d moved in. Smashed frames that had rusted shut after years of staying closed. Pictures that Steph and I had loved and cherished. I couldn’t bare to look at them - or have them in my house.

Holly got home before I could set it all on fire. Ripping the matches out of my hand and leading me into the nearly empty house. A glass pressed into my hand filled with Vodka and strawberry lemonade.

Holly told me that she’d brought Chad’s half of the house off of him with her most recent paycheck - that it was mine to do what I wanted with. I want to burn it to the ground - but she convinced me to rent it out. Make some money from it. She still thinks this place is haunted - things are still moving and disappearing, and I’m sure there's something in my room at night with me. There is never anything there when I turn the light on though - I’m starting to wonder if she's right.


The first day of unemployment - and Holly drags me to work with her. Her boss had forgotten about me until he saw me again. Instantly he dragged me into hair and make-up. Throwing me into the photo shoot with Holly.

Day one as a model. We got home and Holly started teaching me EVERYTHING. She’s been making it look effortless for years. I can’t even remember how to stand - perhaps that fifth glass of Vodka was a bad idea.

I felt something touch me in my sleep last night - I'm sure of it. There was a weight curled up against my leg, but nothing there when I looked. Yet the second the light was off it was back. I slept with Holly the rest of the night, but it was still there.

Tomorrow Holly’s dragging me shopping and to meet her agent to sign me up with him. She isn’t taking no for an answer anymore. She never really did, but she’s been trying to get me to model for years. Don’t tell her, but I actually enjoyed it. Having people fawn over me - it nearly made me forget about Chad.


THERE IS A CAT IN MY HOUSE! Holly found it asleep on my bed when we got home and she carried some of my stuff into my room. It ran the second she noticed it, but she said it looked underfed and abused. She wants to keep the pest. I want it gone. I’m calling animal rescue while she’s on location for a shoot over the weekend.

I saw Chad today, Holly laughed in his face when he tried to talk to me. Her perfectly manicured nails left marks in my arm as she pulled me away. It hurt less than having to face him again. I can’t believe he cheated on me, then dumped me on the phone while he was with her. She was practically my sister. I haven’t told dad yet. He’ll probably go after them both if he knew.


I’m pretty sure the cat slept in my bed again last night. I don’t know how I missed it. There is black fur everywhere. Holly left it out food as we went out to another shoot. Apparently, they really liked me. The agent asked me how much work I want - he’s not having much trouble finding me some. Which is good because I have a whole lot of bills due soon.

Yeah! The cat! The food was all gone when we got back a few hours later. Holly instantly put out more, then sat and stared at the bowl for a few hours, as if it would make the overgrown rat appear quicker. Then she went and brought it a whole bunch of toys and beds and things to keep it entertained while we were out and about. Totally ignoring me telling her that rodent wouldn’t be here long enough to make itself at home.

She seems attached. I’m worried.


It’s been an insane few days. Holly’s Agent called - they had a model pull out due to illness at the last moment and they wanted to know if I could fill in the gap!! The sad thing was I instantly tried to call Chad to tell him the good news... then I remembered that I can’t. He’s not mine anymore. But the shoot with the girls and Holly lifted my spirits again. I’m trying not to think about it or write about it... but it’s almost like a part of me is missing? I mean we’ve been together pretty much our whole adult lives and now he’s just... I don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling right now.

Holly decided to name the rodent ‘Sombra’, Spanish for Shadow - I told her it was stupid. A black cat called Sombra? She says it’s appropriate considering the fact that we never see it but it’s always there. Apparently, she’s also a girl, how Holly knows this I have no clue...

I think the rodents staying for a while. Animal rescue had access to my house all weekend while we were away and they couldn’t find the pest. I know it’s still here, though, the place was a disaster zone when we got back a full bag of cat food scattered all over my kitchen floor... Holly thought it was cute - until I made her clean it up.


Chad stopped by today. Holly wasn’t here, it was just me - I stupidly let him in. I shouldn’t have, in hindsight. He apologised - wanted me back - tried to kiss me... Now I’m really confused. Holly kicked him out the second she got home. Handed me a tub of ice cream and just let me vent. She said he’s just trying to mess with me.

The fascinating thing was that Sombras appeared! The first time I’ve ever seen her! We’ve shared a bed for who knows how long, and the first time I saw her was when she defended me against Chad. Hissing and snarling every time Chad tried to get closer to me. I’ll be honest, I’m thankful that little fluff ball was there to stop me from doing something stupid.

I can see why Holly went and brought food - She’s just a little kitten. Malnourished and covered in scars. I hope she’s been doing better since Holly started feeding her - but I really need to get her to a vet or shelter. Something could be very wrong, or she could have run away from a good home.

Chad’s face when he first saw Sombra was hilarious he knew of my hate of cats, and when she came and stood between us? I thought he was gonna have a heart attack or faint from shock. Totally worth having the little fluff ball fall asleep on my lap.

Over 2 thousand words and a few hours later Imma stop - not because I’m finished, but because if I don’t stop I never will. I feel like that Intro could be misleading - I didn’t really do that much with it, did I... I meant to! Maybe I’ll continue this another time... Who knows?! (not me, that’s for sure).

Also, reflection moment, I don't know if the diary style did this one justice... It was definitely a fun style to write in... but to tell a story? I feel like it lacked detail, emotion and interest, Maybe I will rewrite this in a different style... just for comparison...

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