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Yellow, fanfic drabbles

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

she guessed my favorite color first try..but between me and u……. i didnt even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow!! she was hella excited n smiling like a little kid. so i told her she was right and i havent seen yellow the same since, its in everything. i could probably live in it now. 

So I saw this ^^ post on my Tumblr dashboard recently, and it inspired me to write 5 short drabbles. Using some of my favourite characters and couples.

So first and foremost, for legal reasons: DISCLAIMER! I don’t own Marvel's Avengers, Supernatural nor Ouran High Host Club. all recognisable characters the property of these companies, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.  I do! However, claim to own Violetta and Iris. Not that they do what I tell them, but it's worth a shot. 'You' are hopefully owned by yourself, if not, that is slavery, and illegal in most places. (So I don't own 'you' either).

So, with the boring stuff out of the way! Lets have some fun!

Clint X OC - Iris, Heimdalls daughter.

Clint never really would have been able to name his favourite colour before her. Everyone just assumed it was purple. It was the colour he had worn in the circus. Phil and Iris had deemed it fitting that his Shield gear should resemble his circus days. A throwback to days he wished he forget.

Before her he might have claimed it to be the red of the blood that stained his arrows, dripped from his victims with each completed mission. The red that marked a successful kill, a pay day, another meal. The Red that dripped from his fingers as he tried to prevent his blood from escaping wounds. Another narrow escape, another day alive.

He might have suggested that it was black, like the darkness he called his friend. Black like the suits he wore to infiltrate buildings. Black like his precious weapon, lovingly cared for. Black like the way he felt inside, dead like those whose assassinations he committed.

Now, Clint knew his favourite colour. Gold, like the vibrant colour of her eyes. Staring up at him, with so much love he was surprised no one had figured out about their relationship sooner. Like the honey-brown curls that spread out over his chest and tangled between his fingers. Gold like the expensive ring that sparkled on her finger, announcing to the world that she had vowed to be his forever. The shade of Gold he would forever associate with her, with Hope, with new starts, with freedom. That gold had saved him, and he would bask in it forever.

Supernatural: Dean x Reader

Dean never thought about what colour was his favourite. It was always changing.

When he was younger he would have claimed it to be red. Like the fire trucks he longed to work in. Red he dreamed of holding and wearing as he battled scorching flames. Save people like he couldn’t do with his mother. Soon enough red became the colour of blood. The horrible substance that that oozed from his body with the reminder that he was only human.

He told Sam it was green. When his baby brother asked. Green for their mother’s eyes, and the flecks that ran through Sammy’s. He’d tell Sammy it was Green like the army men that they’d accidentally jammed into the ash tray. The constant shade visible from the Impala’s windows. Flying by with each new town. For a while Sammy agreed. Green was the colour of Dean’s eyes, and it was stunning.

The black of the impala was Sam’s real guess. The metallic shade it always returned to. The first place Dean had ever considered home. His pride and joy. Sam didn’t know that for Dean black signified guilt. The backdrop to the nightmares that haunted him every time his eyelids flickered shut. Black hid the monsters, slinking into the night.

No, Dean’s favourite colour had changed when you walked through that door. A yellow sundress wrapped around your frame. Blonde hair flickered over your shoulder as you ordered a vodka and lemonade. You had brought a gentle warmth to his life. Your brightness fought off the horrors of his life, and he never wanted you to leave.

Supernatural: Sam X Reader

Yellow had always haunted Sam. It was the colour of the fire that had claimed the life of every woman he’d ever loved. It was the colour of the eyes that had tainted him forever. The Demon that had tortured Dean and passed on his knowledge of the twisted art. Yellow was the colour of Jess and Mary’s hair. It was the tacky colour stained on motel walls.

It grew on him when your daughter stumbled towards him. A yellow daffodil clutched in her chubby little fingers. Her brown hair fading into a honey-brown as the years passed. He smiled when your little miracle repainted the house in broad brush strokes of her favourite colour. Yellow had grown on Sam Winchester, and he’d drown in it forever if it made his Princess happy.

Avengers: Pepper X Tony

Pepper never expected that gold would grow on her like it had. She never expected to feel the butterflies she did when that infernal red and gold suited landed. Bringing her lover home safe.

Pepper never saw it coming. Her genius billionaire playboy philanthropist down on one knee. A red box gripped in his sweaty palms. A gold ring adorned with rubies and diamonds staring up at her from the white cushions. The ring glistening on her finger, catching the sun and reflecting on the walls.

Tony Stark wearing a gold band sparked rumours. Their wedding the small intimate affair that she’d always dreamed of. Bridesmaids adorned in gold that contrasted with the red of the groomsman. Avengers cheering with the dramatic kiss that sealed her in a world of gold forever, and she didn’t mind one bit.

Kyoya X OC. Violetta

Kyoya had seen Violetta in every state, and every colour he could think of. The red dress that wrapped around her lithe frame as she socialised at whatever gala they’d been dragged to this time. Matching her hair and making her violet eyes spark with gentle flames. He’d seen her in one of his black shirts. Stolen from his drawers and falling down her long legs as she stole his covers and curled into bed.

He’d smiled when she’d been dragged off to model for the Hitachiin brothers, forced to change outfits every few seconds until no one could keep up with them. He’d made sure to get a copy of every photo, kept safe from prying eyes. He’d been equally as impressed when she’d shown up in Jeans and a button up top. Hair a mess and folders in her arms. She was always beautiful to him.

It wasn’t until that fateful afternoon that he realised he’d never seen her in yellow. Tamaki had never been so scared than when he’d accidentally spilt piping hot coffee down his cousin's favourite dress. Moments before she was due to go speak with his own father and the school's board of trustees. Kyoya had never seen her so furious. Never expected her rage to get worse when they presented her with the only non-ruined clothes they had in music room three.

The poofy yellow dresses that made up the Ouran High School’s female uniform. It had taken everyone’s input to convince the stubborn heiress that the ‘hideous’ outfit was better than her coffee stained dress. Kyoya’s gentle touch on her back as she turned to him, silently pleading for any other option.

Seeing Tamaki Suoh in the yellow dress instantly made Kyoya’s year. Watching his best friend waddle around uncomfortably. His usual flamboyant self constrained to a chair as he greeted guests. Explaining his attire as a simple wardrobe malfunction as his cheeks turned the same colour as Violetta’s hair.

“You owe me.” Kyoya murmured to Violetta, as she returned in her cousin's light blue uniform. A smirk tugged at her lips as she leant towards him and looked at her cousin.

“Just promise me you took photos.”

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