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Changing Wings, Cas X Reader

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Cas One Week Writers Challenge:

Prompt: Not a Typical Sunday

Word Count 3123

Pairing: Castiel x Reader

Tags: Soulmate AU - Kinda, I twisted it. You’ll see. Reader injury.

This became a short story, with two parts, approximately One year apart. In theory there will be more, a few people have asked, I'm just really struggling with it.

You groaned, raising your hand to your face. Letting it drop when you felt the warm trickle of blood hit your fingertips. You knew you were rusty, but not quite this bad. Sam's face swimming in front of yours as he knelt beside you. Dean's shoulder in your spine. Propping you up. You were aware Sam was trying to talk to you, but you couldn't hear him. Unable to read his lips as he spoke. Your head swam, and your vision faded to black.


"... hospital..." You groaned, trying to lift your head and sit up. A hand on your shoulder stopped you, keeping you pressed against what you could only assume was a leg. You couldn't find the strength to sit up, but you could feel the impala's leather seats beneath your back, seats you'd spent several nights on as you traveled across the country with the brothers.

"... Stupid.... insurance..." You only caught part of the reply over the roar of the impala's engine. Straining under the lead foot of whomever was driving - most likely Dean. He was always reluctant to let anyone else drive his baby. Thankfully, it mostly drowned out the high pitched ringing in your ears

"... else... do..." You tried to lift your hand to your pounding head, but it was slapped away before you could manage it. Grabbed and placed back on your stomach, weight added to it immediately.

"... there..." You tried to open your eyes, but the blinding light had you squeezing them tightly shut once more. You didn't realize when the sounds of the outside world disappeared all together.


"... get Cas..." This time you were sure that you were back in the motel. The stench would never let you believe otherwise.

"Y/N?" Dean's voice sounded worried, and you could only force a groan in response. Trying to figure out what was going. Everything was so quiet beneath the ringing in your ears, a thousand monkeys banging on drums to a rhythm you couldn't figure out.

"... awake..." Dean's words got lost amongst the overwhelming sound in your brain, and you figured you'd rather be passed out than try and figure out what was going on. The lack of feeling as you tried to lift your hand, or at least wriggle your fingers should have worried you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.

"Dean!" You flinched at Sam's sharp yell, the sound cutting through the din. A stabbing pain accompanied the jolting movement, and you welcomed the sweet relief of darkness.


"Y/N. " The quiet call woke you, two fingers pressed to your forehead. A gentle warmth spreading through your body. You opened your eyes to see a pair of bright blue ones staring back at you. The hand retracted slowly, taking with it the warmth, and you used that time to stare at the man you'd never seen before. He was wearing a black suit and beige trench coat, his hands hanging loosely at his side as he stared at you.

"Y/N. My name is Castiel. How are you feeling?" His gravelly voice wasn't what you were expecting from the man. Your eyes flicking up to Sam and Dean who were both towering over his shoulders. Watching you expectantly.

"My heads stopped ringing. What happened?" You replied, raising your hand to your head and trying to run your hand through your hair. You stopped when you realised it was thick and matted.

"You got shot Y/N. Some sort of magically enhanced witch bullet. It went into your hip and sent you flying backwards. You smashed your head on a wall light. Glass shards sliced your shoulders and arms pretty badly, and your head wouldn't stop bleeding." Sam answered, his feet shuffling nervously as he stared at them rather than look at you. His hands dug into his pockets, frame haunched over.

"Dude!" Dean slapped Sam's arm with a glare.

"We should have watched out for you. Sorry beautiful." Dean apologised, your jaw dropped open. Dean never apologised.

"How am I alive? Am I alive?" You demanded, eyes flickering to the newcomer in the room distrustingly. His eyes went wide, but he didn't answer your question.

"Cas is an angel. We got him to heal you." Dean answered for him, nudging Castiel curiously.

"Oh, well, thank you." You sat up slowly, conscious of the injuries you supposedly had. All that remained was blood stains and holes in your shirt.

"Imma go shower." You kept your movements slow. Trying to ignore the three sets of eyes glued to your back as you swung your legs off the side of the bed. Stretching muscles that felt like they hadn't been used in years.

"I'm gonna go check on Baby. Thanks Cas." You heard Dean say as you disappeared into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind you. Taking your time in the shower, washing the blood out of your hair until the water no longer ran red beneath your feet. Then you stayed longer until the water was no longer warm. Your hands trailing over what had been a black set of wings on your wrist. Now they glowed a soft purple and blue blend. Twinkling like the night sky full of stars. You knew they were supposed to turn gold when you found your soulmate. You’d seen Sam and Dean’s, both just as gold as the others. The gun firing across an open book representing them both perfectly.

You ran your fingers across the mark, surprised to find that it admitted the same warmth you’d felt earlier. Spreading from the mark on your wrist all the way through you. You didn’t understand what the wings meant, nor why there wasn’t two symbols like everyone else. Your mother had claimed that it was because you didn’t have a soul mate. She said that the symbol meant you, but you had disagreed. You’d seen people who didn’t have soulmates, they didn’t have a mark on them. Those whose soulmates had died before they ever met still had the marks from both of them, permanently edged in black.

“Y/N?” Dean pounded on the motel bathroom door, the entire thing shaking.

“You alright? You’ve been in there nearly an hour.” He called, and you heard him complain under his breath about not wanting to have to break in and rescue you again.

“Fine Dean. Took forever to get the blood out of my hair!” You yelled back, glancing at your blood soaked clothes before realising that you’d forgotten to grab more. You wrapped a towel around your body, walking over to the door.

“Dean!” You yelled, wondering if he was even still there.

“Yeah Princess?” Dean replied instantly, his voice just on the other side of the door.

“I forgot my bag, could you grab it?” You asked, listening for the shuffle that came with him going to get your bag from wherever they had discarded it. You opened the door when you heard his soft footfalls returning. Reaching out for the bag.

“Thanks.” Dean’s hand shot out, grabbing your arm. His grip turned your wrist over to see the coloured mark.

“When?” He asked softly, you shrugged.

“It was black this morning.” You answered honestly, watching his fingers run over it. Unlike before, no warmth emanated from his touch. It only tickled your skin.

“Why isn’t it gold?” You asked, gripping your towel tighter as it started to fall.

“Sam!” Dean called, glancing over his shoulder at his younger brother. Sam had been the one to research soul marks in depth when he found out what they meant. Trying to figure out why he and his brother were soulmates when everyone else had their romantic partners. They were both relieved to learn of the ‘family bond’, although occasionally you knew they were upset that they didn’t have the ‘perfect’ romantic partner. You supposed it was one of the reasons you all got along so well, having misfit soul marks often made you all social outcasts in normal society.

“Yeah?” Sam appeared behind his brother, looking over his shoulder at the mark as Dean yanked your wrist closer to the pair. You stumbled forward, and Dean’s arm circled around your waist subconsciously. Holding you upright.

“What?” Sam looked just as stunned as his brother. Leaning down as your wrist was pulled upwards so he could observe it closer. His fingers prodding at the mark.

“When?” Dean repeated what you had told him quietly, looking up at his younger brother. They both frowned, looking at you in unison before back to each other. Sam’s thumb subconsciously running over the soul mark as he stared at his brother.

“It’s possible. Unheard of, but possible.” Sam sighed, dropping your wrist and turning in favour of his laptop. You sighed, realising that they’d had one of their ‘silent’ conversations.

“Can I get dressed?” You asked, trying unsuccessfully to break out of Dean’s hold. His arm squeezing you closer to him instead.

“Our bond was relatively unheard of.” Dean ignored you to talk to his brother, pretending not to notice you pushing against his side.

“Dean.” You whined, shoving him once more. He chuckled, releasing your waist.

“Fine, Sammy and I will figure out what’s going on.” You picked your bag up off the floor and disappeared back into the bathroom. Changing quickly and shoving your clothes in the bin. You couldn’t be bothered battling with the blood stains and they were old clothes anyway.

“I’m saying it doesn’t make sense Dean-” Sam stopped talking when you stepped into the room, looking up at you sheepishly. Dean leaning around his shoulder to look at the laptop in front of him.

“What doesn’t make sense Sam?” You asked, running the towel through your hair before tossing it on the bed. Joining the brothers at Sam’s laptop. Sam instantly scooted his chair back, tugging you down to sit in his lap. His arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.

“Your mark. It’s incomplete, it shouldn’t change colour, let alone be this colour.” Sam answered, his hand pulling your wrist up to compare it to the image he had found within his own notes.

“This colour of mark means you’ve found your last ever soulmate Y/N. The end of your atom’s cycles. Dean and I will find each other in another life, this is it for you.” Sam explained slowly, you knew the boy's eyes were focused entirely on you. Waiting for any kind of reaction.

You swallowed nervously. You knew the theory that souls were recycled. The thought that you were the last house for your soul?

“What if my soulmate isn’t human?” You whispered, glancing down to the mark on your wrist. You felt Sam turn behind you, looking at his brother.

“We don’t know if that’s possible Y/N. I’ve never seen a soulmark on a non-human before.” Sam answered, his arm squeezing your waist gently.

“Only ones that seemed to have been burnt in former humans.” Dean added, reminding you of what you’d seen burnt on the skin of Vampires and Werewolves for as long as you could remember.

“What’s happening to me? Did we drive past someone?” You rested your elbows on the table, your head resting on your hands. You felt Dean’s hand run up and down your spine.

“We’ll figure this out okay princess. I promise.” Dean tried to comfort you, but judging by the tears rolling down your cheeks. It just wasn’t working.

“It’s been a long day. We’re all exhausted and emotional. Let’s get some rest, we can come back to this in the morning.” Sam suggested, adjusting himself beneath you so that he could pick you up and carry you to the nearest bed. You curled up in the center of the bed.

“Sammy.” You heard Dean sigh, in seconds you were in Dean’s arms. Hearing Sam lift the blankets so they could settle you back down. Lying either side of you once you were tucked up in bed.

“You really scared us today princess. You’re the baby sister I never knew I wanted.” Dean spoke softly, you heard him shuffle in the bed beside you.

“He’d be pretty pathetic without us aye sis.” Sam teased, nudging you. You smiled to yourself. You’d known for a while that the Winchester brothers thought of you as a little sister to protect. They acted that way, especially since you’d all lost Jo and Ellen.

“Get some sleep Princess. We’ll be right here looking out for you.” You nodded, feeling the heat radiating off both brothers as you drifted to sleep.


The sound of movement nearby woke you up, eyes blowing wide open. It was only Sam and Dean’s restraining hands on your arms that held you down, maintaining the cover of being asleep. You didn’t need to look to know that both brothers had weapons in hand, and were listening to the intruder, waiting for the right moment to strike.

You felt it when they moved, both rolling out of bed and leaping towards the intruder. You opened your eyes, adjusting to the poor lighting in time to see the intruder being knocked to the ground.

“Y/N. Hit the light.” You rolled over to turn on the bedside lamp immediately. Sitting up to see who was stupid enough to break into the hotel room of three highly trained hunters. Your heart stopped when you saw that it was the angel Castiel.

“Cas? What the hell man?” Dean swore, pulling his knife away from the angel’s throat. Sam did the same helping his brother off the floor before turning to help Castiel up.

“I needed to talk to you.” Castiel’s eyes darted to you, before returning to the Winchester brothers. “Urgently, however I did not wish to bother Y/N. I figured I would return later once you had all awoken.” Dean looked at you and made a face, causing you to laugh.

“Alright Cas, outside?” Sam suggested, leading the angel out of the room. Dean made to follow, but then hesitated. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes flickered to your wrist automatically. At his sharp intake of breath you followed his gaze. The mark had changed colour again, strands of gold outlined the wings, the blue fading until it was light at the top, mixing with the purple until it overtook it, turning the bottom of the wings the darkest shade of Royal Purple you’d ever seen.

“SAMMY!” Sam was back in the room the second Dean yelled, no doubt able to feel his brothers fear and worry through the mark they shared.

“Look.” Dean’s hand closed around your wrist, his finger brushing over the mark. Sam sat on the other side of the bed. His fingers brushing across the mark as well.

“That should not have happened.” Sam muttered to himself, checking to see if the mark had smudged beneath his thumb, or if any of the colours had transferred to him. You were surprised, feeling a rush of safety as both brothers brushed past your mark.

“Of course you had to have the special one.” Dean teased nudging you playfully, your eyes snapped up at him. Holding out your wrist.

“Touch it again?” You requested quietly, Dean obliged curiously, watching you closely. Again the overwhelming feeling of safety filled you once more.

“Can you feel that?” You whispered, resting your head on Dean’s shoulder. He looked to Sam, and you knew he was frowning without looking at him.

“Feel what Princess?” Dean asked quietly,

“Safe.” You replied, “When you and Sam touch it, I feel an overwhelming sense of being safe.” You explained further, Sam reached out, his fingers pressing to the mark on your wrist.

“I feel nothing either.” You sighed, looking between the two brothers.

“What’s happening to me?” You asked, closing your eyes and curling up into Dean’s side.

“We’ll find out Princess. Promise.” You heard the door open, listening as Castiel’s trenchcoat rustled around him.

“I can explain.” Your heads all snapped up, three sets of eyes locked on the angel, he shrugged his coat off.

“She’s my soulmate.” At Castiel’s admission your jaw dropped. You couldn’t believe your ears.

“What?!” Dean recovered first, practically glaring at Castiel.

“She’s my soul mate Dean. Angel’s are different to humans. We have the first words our soulmate ever says to us imprinted on us. It’s what I wished to talk to you and Sam about. An angel’s partner is supposed to have the choice on whether or not she wants to accept the soulmate bonding. Due to the changes that accompany it. Unlike humans, who automatically accept the bond when they see their soulmate.”

“Supposed?” Sam demanded before you could.

“When I was healing her yesterday... I wasn’t expecting it. My grace got carried away and I couldn’t hold it back. I am so sorry Y/N. I went to talk to my elders, but they can’t reverse it. It wasn’t designed like that. Father might be able to, but we can’t find him.” Castiel explained sinking into the chair you’d all abandoned that night.

“The wings on her wrist should reflect mine. As my wings change so does her bond. My wings will change with your soul. Angel’s are entirely reliant on their soulmates once they are found.”

“Prove it.” Your voice shook as you spoke, watching the angel who claimed to be your soulmate. Castiel seemed to contemplate what you said, before deciding to do something. He stood, peeling off his suit jacket. You noticed the slight shake of his hands as he undid the buttons of his shirt. Loosening his tie and tugging them both off, adding them to the pile of clothes slowly building up on top of his jacket. He turned his back to you, across his shoulder blades were words in blazing silver. ‘How am I alive? Am I alive?’

Deans sharp intake of breath confirmed that he could see it as well. Sam’s hands reaching for your wrist. You relaxed slightly at the feeling of safety that overwhelmed you with his gentle touch.

“Your soul is also bonded to the Winchesters. It is why their presence affects you, and yours them. The elders believe that it was to ensure I would find you. The fates said that you were to be their little sister before Alistair interfered. They used this to draw you closer. You feel it so strongly because your mark is fresh.” Castiel kept speaking as he turned back around and sat down, forgoing his shirt.

“What does this mean?” You asked quietly, holding onto the brothers.

“It means, that this is not a typical sunday.”

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