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Rescue Mission, (Mis)Adventures

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Set: Season 9ish Cas human. Approx ep 6. Cas, Sof, Dean, Sam, Zeke/Gadreel

Dean didn't glance over at Sam as he pulled up to a (gas and sip)?, glancing into the window. "Cas, we need you." He whispered, unable to explain why he knew he needed the ex-angel on this hunt. As if on cue Castiel, sporting the name tag 'Steve' left the store. Freezing when his eyes landed on the Impala. Dean instantly got out of the car, walking over and talking to Castiel in hushed tones, so Sam wouldn't overhear. "I'm working here Dean." Castiel brushed past the older Winchester. Not noticing Sam step out of the car. "We need you Cas, I don't know why, but I know we'll fail without you." Dean wrapped his hand around Castiel's bicep. "I told you Dean, I'm human now-" Castiel his voice, glancing around as he started to speak. Making sure no one else over heard. "You're a hunter Cas, we need you." Sam cut the ex-angel off. Raising his eyes to his brothers, watching Dean closely. "Fine. I've got two days off." Castiel relented, knowing the Winchesters would win. One way or another. "Let me just grab something." He turned back towards the store, ignoring the brothers. The door had swung shut behind him when Dean turned to Sam, just in time to catch his eyes flare blue as his baby brothers posture stiffened. "What are you doing?" Ezekiel demanded, raising Sam's eyes up to the store. "We need him, just trust me." Dean replied trying not to sound as angry as he felt. "I told you-" Ezekiel started, "And I don't care! Something is calling me! It sounds familiar, and I can't remember why. All I know is all four of us have to get there together. So shut up, and stay in the background." Ezekiel didn't grace Dean with a response, as Sam's eyes flashed again, Sam slumping forward slightly. "Sammy." Dean stepped forward, worried about his little brother. "Fine Dean." Sam rolled his eyes, hopping back into the passengers seat as Castiel returned. "Great, let's get this show on the road." It didn't take long for them to speed of, the roar of the Impala startling those who remained at the petrol station. It took much longer for Castiel to ask where they were going. Trusting the Winchester brothers. Deans vague reply of 'hunting' seemed to sooth the angels in a way that it didn't himself. A feeling that everything was so wrong curled in the pit of his stomach, refusing to let go as he drove closer to the unknown destination. Following his gut, Dean turned off the highway at New Orleans, the bright lights waking Sam, who'd fallen asleep only a few hours earlier. "How much further?" He whispered, sleep covering his voice as he slowly woke himself up. "We're close." Dean replied, glancing into the rear-view mirror, and at Castiel, who had fallen asleep before Sam, not long after receiving an answer to his question. Dean slowed, confused as to where to go next. The feeling that had been giving him direction suddenly gone. "Turn left." Sam ordered, and Dean did so at the next street. Missing the flash of blue as Ezekiel returned. "Whoever is calling your brother is powerful, but weakened. You need to hurry. I must go, that much power-" "Sam will die, you have to stay!" Dean cut Ezekiel off, realising all too quickly what he was planning. "I'll take him with me. Turn right." Ezekiel ordered, pointing towards the French quarter of the city. "He stays, you stay. If it's weakened we can kill it." Dean ordered, glaring at the angel. "If we stay, we all die." Castiel woke abruptly, stopping the argument. "Sofia!" He whispered, before doubling over and dry heaving. "You must hurry then." Ezekiel sighed, before Sam's eyes flashed again, and Sam was back, slouched in the passengers seat. "Right." Sam pointed past Dean to an old looking drive way. Dean threw the Impala around the corner, racing up the path until they reached what once was a beautiful Victorian era mansion. Over time, it was no longer as such. Ash stains covered the white marble walls, Ivy and Rose vines had crawled upwards weaving in and out of cracks in the walls, and stone pillars that appeared to be supports. Castiel threw himself out of the car before Dean had a chance to stop him. Stumbling blindly for where he knew the front door to be. Sam and Dean shared a quick glance, before turning off the car, and following. Sam looked up to the window, pulling out his silver pistol and a torch, and Dean did the same, but took the window on the opposite side. Castiel ignored them both, pausing before kicking down the door and racing inside and up the first flight of stairs. Sam waited until he caught Deans eye, motioning for his brother to go with their friend, he would clear the surrounding areas. Dean nodded, and in less than a few seconds after Castiel broke down the door, they were after him. Sam cleared the lower floors with ease, big wide empty rooms had been left bare, no where to hide. Angel Warding's and Devil's traps covered nearly every surface. Some intact, others not so much. Making his way towards a flight of stairs, that managed to show it's age while staying structurally sound. Climbing them slowly, and walking towards what seemed to be the soft glow of a fire place. Pushing open the door, weapon at the ready, he entered. The sight before him, no one could have ever been trained to expect. A young brunette was strung from the ceilings, Iron chains that looked far too strong for a mere mortal. Cuts, scrapes and bleeding wounds covered every inch of skin not covered by what used to be fabric. Black tank top, torn to shreds, barely covered her coal black bra. What appeared to have been jeans were tatters that just reached a quarter of the way down her calves. She was in the middle of a burning devil's trap. Holy fire, a nagging in his mind told him. Castiel was hesitating just outside the ring, clearly forgetting that mortals could cross, and judging by the way Dean was tearing apart the desk at the other end of the room, he was looking for a key to the Iron chains. "Sofia!" Castiel called, attempting to get her attention. Only to get a groan in response. The figure trying to shift her weight, but quickly collapsed to hang by her wrists again. "Damn it Castiel, why weren't you listening?" She forced her vocal cords to work, the words came out dry, and whispered. Adding to the undeniable proof she had been tortured. "If you can get rid of the stupid trap, I can get the chains." She continued, raising her eyes to Sam, glaring until his eyes flicked blue, and he fell to his knees, head bowed. "Your-" Ezekiel started to speak, knowing exactly whom the figure was. "Hurry." She cut him off, not wanting anyone else to know whom she was. Yet knowing he'd obey every command. Ezekiel scanned the room, eyes settling on a fire extinguisher, he took one step toward it before he let Sam take over again. Sam raced forward, picking up the dry powder extinguisher, and quickly covering the flames. Castiel was at the girls side barely a moment later. Reaching up to try break the cuffs holding her. "Cas Move." Dean ordered, pushing his friend out of the way, and reaching up with the keys. Catching her around the torso as she slumped to the ground mere moments later. Wrists free of their bindings. Sam moved, picking up the keys, and unshackling her feet. Between Dean and Sam they maneuvered the young woman towards the oak desk. Forced to halt when a anguished scream burst forth from her lips as they reached the edge of the devils trap. "Cas." Dean grunted, struggling with the weight of the woman as she tried to jerk away from the wards. Castiel looked around quickly, before picking up the abandoned keys and scratching through the wooden floor. Breathing a sigh of relief when the girl fell limp in Dean's arms. Castiel watched on as the two brothers adjusted the way they were carrying his friend, carefully bundling her up into Sam's arms. "Let's get her back to the bunker." Dean decided, leading the way back towards the Impala.

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