Heya, Supernatural Fanfic time!
Just a general warning, this does center on my two OC’s Sofia and Amika (Sofia mainly). (But) one of the SPN gang always seem to show up. It is a ‘collection’ of one shots (very occasionally more) that follow the same characters, and general plot line, while fitting in with the SPN timeline and episodes (I hope, thats the general plan at least, but lets see what the characters running around in my head decide).
This chapter is just a very brief introduction to Sofia and Amika, and just a teaser at the challenge that will be figuring out what Amika is. Set probably pre-series, when the duo are rather ‘young’.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am writing it.
So without further ado, I give you ‘The (Mis)Adventures of Team Freewill’.
The woman, who had been dying stands of her straight, midback length, blonde hair a mix of pink, blue, and green. Stopped when she heard a soft knock at her door. Deciding to ignore it, she finished simply the fringe before realising the presence was still at her door. With a sigh, and a longing glance at the rest of her ‘plain’ blonde hair, with it's honey blonde lowlights, and platinum highlights, Amika made her way downstairs to the door. She shocked herself when she invited the brown haired woman into her Mansion in Purgatory. Sofia shocked herself simply by showing up. Amika immediately knew the situation was serious. Sofia hated Purgatory, as an archangel she glowed like a lone light during a huge power outage. Everything knew when she had arrived, where she was, and they came after her. Amika herself only shone like a dim candle in a fully lit room, to them, she belonged.
“What happened?” Amika asked, jade green eyes scanning the surroundings before she shut the door. Making sure Sofia wasn’t followed, as if any would be foolish enough to approach her home.
“Mikeal.” Sofia sighed, walking through the double doors at the end of the foyer. Straight into an elegant lounge, a fire roared to life under her sapphire blue gaze. The chandler, laiden with candles, dimmed heavily. Sofia took a seat on the extravagant red rug, unknowingly directly above a devil’s trap. Amika trailed behind her, taking a seat in her favourite leather armchair, and waiting for her friend to explain.
“Apparently these ‘desires of the human flesh’ are not of an archangel, therefore I should not have them.” Sofia laid down as she spoke, glaring at the intricate carvings on the roof as if they had some how wronged her.
“What does Luci say?” Amika asked with a smirk, adopting her maker, Lucifer’s, nickname.
“Father says it is perfectly normal for a demon to have these desires, and fallen archangels have them also. I’m living proof. So the ‘sinful desires of the mortal body’ were half expected in me.” Sofia sat up abruptly, looking directly at her friend.
“Do you know how awkward it is to ask my father and uncle about this?” She demanded, and Amika could only laugh at the scene she imagined. Trying to figure out which of the archangels would have been more embarrassed.
“Did you ask uncle Gabe?” Amika couldn’t help but ask when she had quelled her laughter.
“Could not find him, but when I mentioned it to uncle Mikeal he laughed, Uncle Gabe had no desires for the sins of the flesh, but merely used it for his cover.” Sofia spoke with a sigh, laying back down.
“Your Angel wardings do not work.” Sofia eventually broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between the pair, referring to the carvings on the roof.
“They don’t work on you.” Amika amended swiftly, an evil glint in her eyes that Sofia missed, too busy staring upwards.
“Can I hide out here for a bit?” Sofia eventually whispered, she needed a time, away from the angels and demons that expected so much from the half breed.
“You know you can.” Amika replied just as softly, she would do anything for her friend, and they both knew it.