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The (Mis)Adventures of Team Freewill, 2

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Heya Y’all.

So I was working on getting these all out in some semblance of a timeline that managed to fit in with the supernatural series timeline. However, I have realised my mistake, I keep getting random ideas that fit in different seasons timeframes. - So I will endeavor to let you know where the one-shots fit in with everything in the big scheme of things.

This one continues on from the previous oneshot. When Castiel appeared out of the blue with Lucifers daughter unconscious in his arms. Not that Sam and Dean can remember who she is.

Sam and Dean had crashed out in a shady motel as always, asking for two singles had gotten Dean the normal odd looks, even when the cashier noticed the brunette asleep in the rear of the classic car Sam was leaning against. He handed over the keys nevertheless, charging a little more than Dean was normally forced to pay, but he handed over a fake credit card, and moved out to join his brother, ushering them to the room furthest away from the road.

Throwing duffle bags through the door as the two brothers got settled, the woman trailing along behind them.

Dean couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of his mouth as he watched his little brother interact with the strange woman that Castiel had left with them a few days earlier. Once she had woken up screaming in the Impala she had acted perfectly normal, passed every test that Sam had subtly thrown her way. As it stood she had just chugged an entire glass of Holy Water without even flinching.

“I had forgotten how pure that stuff tastes. Thanks Sammy.” Sofia offered the youngest Winchester a wink, handing him back the empty glass. Sam glared at Dean, displeased with his brothers lack of support, only to result in making the elder Winchester laugh more.

“It’s Sam.” He corrected, turning to place the glass in the sink, turning back to see her holding a silver blade and offering her outstretched arm.

“It’s the last test. I would rather offer than have you surprise me with it.” She spoke with a shrug, having caught on to the hunters actions.

“Is that an angel blade?” Dean stopped laughing, and his eyes widened when he realised the blade she was carrying. Sofia looked down at the weapon in her hand.

“It appears so. Strange. This isn’t mine. This belongs to Castiel.” Sofia turned the blade over in her hand a few times, before offering it to the youngest brother again.

“It’ll still do the job you require of it.” Sam glanced to Dean, who shook his head subtly, if the woman Castiel had left with them was an angel, the blade slicing through her skin would cause immense pain. Despite his brother’s warning, Sam took the offered blade, unable to bring himself to trust her. To trust anyone after Ruby’s betrayal. The taller brother shoved up the sleeve of the shirt she wore, holding the blade to the skin just above her inner elbow.

“Ready?” As both brother’s watched, the woman braced herself for what was to come, fighting back a whimper of pain as the blade cut into flesh that was still all too delicate and tender from the brutal fight that had landed her in the Winchester’s care. When she shoved no other signs of reacting to the blade, Sam was forced to relent, allowing the weapon to slide back into the young woman’s hand. Slowly she moved to rest on the couch. Clutching her arm tightly, placing both pressure on the wound, and preventing blood from spilling over the floor.

Dean was the quickest to react, pulling the first aid kit out of his duffle bag, and kneeling at her side. Slowly he forced her hand to move, able to properly see the wound for himself. A hiss slid out unintentionally when he saw how deep his younger brother had cut into the skin. Clearly he had not been expecting the woman before him to be what she claimed.

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll heal.” Sofia brushed off his concern, looking over his head to Sam.

“Did you have a large bottle of the holy water?” Sam nodded, passing over the one and a half litre bottle, that had only half a glass full missing. Dean reached over taking the lid off for her, and watching as she drank straight from the bottle.

“Sorry, I have to kick start the batteries. Holy water is the closest thing to heaven that you humans have. Other than your prayer of course.” Sofia apologized, throwing the now empty bottle to one side. As Sam and Dean watched, the injury on her arm started slowly healing, muscle knitting itself back together as skin regrew, until there was no sign of an injury at all.

“Does that work for everyone?” Dean asked confused as to how the woman had passed every test the hunters threw at them, and then healed herself.

“What are you?” Sam had accusation smothering his words as he spoke.

“Nothing you boys have ever met before. No Dean, it only works on cases like my own. Now I’m really tired, you can not tell, but I still have a lot of internal injuries. Wake me up when we hit the road.” Sofia wasted no time, rolling over and falling asleep on the couch, leaving the two beds for the brothers.

“What is going on?” Dean moved to Sam’s side, whispering as to not wake the sleeping woman.

“We should just leave her.” Sam suggested, watching carefully for the rise and fall of the young females chest, making himself believe she was real.

“No way. She is Cas’ friend, and we agreed to help.” Dean’s hazel eyes flashed angrily at his younger brothers words, after everything with Ruby. Dean couldn’t trust his younger brother and if Dean knew anything, it was that his brother would never abandon any poor soul that needed help.

“No Dean. You agreed to help. We have a damn apocalypse breathing down our neck. Zachariah is looking everywhere for you. We don’t have time for this... charity case!” Sam was shocked that he kept his voice quiet, despite every part of him that wanted to yell at his brother. Yes, he had screwed up with Ruby, but he was trying to correct his mistakes. trying to take Lucifer out of the picture, so that Dean would no longer look at him with such disgust and lack of trust.

“So we lay low for a bit. Or she comes with us. Think Sam. Once she’s up to full strength she could be an asset. You’re trying to throw away what could be our only chance at this. So what she’s isn’t fully human. Cas brought her here, he would never put us in harms way. She stays.” Dean decided for the pair of them, for some strange reason he felt attached to the woman sleeping on the couch, he couldn’t leave her behind.

“Not like Ruby right? That’s what you’re trying to say, isn’t it. I get that I screwed up Dean, but I am trying to fix this. I am trying to make it right.” Dean turned his back on Sam, looking back to the sleeping woman.

“You want to fix this? You can’t Sam. You started the apocalypse, if you had just-” Dean cut himself off.

“Just what Dean?” Sam demanded, wanting to know what his brother was going to say.

“Forget it. I need a drink. Watch her!” Dean pointed at the sleeping woman picking up his jacket and storming out of the room. Leaving Sam alone with his thoughts, and a woman he didn’t trust. Sam took one look at the woman, and the place where there should be a gaping wound on her arm, before hopping onto the bed he had claimed. Staying as far away from her as he could.

It was dark when Dean returned, finding his way to the motel room by the light of the near full moon. He heard wolves howling in the distance, but thought nothing of it, shoving the door open and stumbling in the dark towards the nearest bed. Remembering to pause long enough to shut the door.

“D’n?” A male voice called sleepily. Sam pulling his head up from the pillow to try make out the moving figure, his hand wrapped around the gun under his pillow, just in case.

“Yeah, I’m back Sammy. Go to sleep.” Dean ordered, falling face first lengthwise across the bed, face buried in the pillow.

“Goodnight boys.” A quiet female voice called from the couch, as both boys were just surcomming to the darkness of sleep that was luring them into sweet oblivion.

“Night Aunty Sof.” They both unknowingly muttered back, before losing their grip on reality.

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