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The (Mis)Adventures of Team Freewill. Chapter 1:

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Heya Y’all.

Here’s the ‘proper’ start to the Forgotten (Mis)Adventures of Team Freewill. The very first time that Sam and Dean meet Sofia - or is it?

Set during season 5, and while attempting to stop the apocalypse.

Dean and Sam were both quick to react as a knock sounded at the door of the motel room they had taken up residence in. Sam covered up the board they had set up to help track the movements of the latest creature they were hunting. Dean picked up his silver hand gun, clicking the safety off, and moving slowly towards the door.

“It’s Cas.” Dean spoke, after looking through the peep hole at the person on the other side of the wooden door. Sam relaxed slightly, as Dean flicked off the lock and opened the door. Immediately Castiel stepped in, spots of blood on his face, large amounts covering his clothes, but Sam and Dean paid that no mind, instead looking at the girl in his arms.

She was beautiful, long chocolate brown ringlets hung from her head that was dangling just as limply as long arms and legs. Castiel had one arm hooked under her knees, the other under her back and shoulders. Easily supporting the young woman. Dean stepped out of the way, closing the door as Castiel placed her on one of the two beds, unknowingly it was the one that Dean had claimed.

“What happened?” Sam asked, stepping closer to the woman. Blood soaked the clothes that covered her body, clothes and skin alike had clearly been sliced open, but it appeared as though Castiel had healed the wounds.

“From what I could tell, she was ambushed. Fought them off until she collapsed, I healed her.” Castiel stood looking down at her carefully.

“Will you care for her? She is weak, needs time to recover.” Castiel asked, looking to Dean, who in turn looked to Sam. Reading his brother, and the look that told Dean he ought to refuse, they were busy, with attempting to stop the apocalypse. They couldn’t afford any distractions, yet looking back to Castiel, Dean couldn’t find himself in him to refuse.

“Sure thing Cas.” He agreed with a smile, glancing at Sam with a look that clearly told him to keep quiet.

“Thank you.” Castiel glanced down at the girl, before disappearing. Sam and Dean would protect her, he was sure of that.

“What was that!?” Sam demanded, once he was sure the angel was gone.

“I owe him.” Dean responded, looking down at the woman he had just promised to protect. She looked peaceful in her sleep, nothing at all like she had been forced to fight for her life. Wondering what was after her, and who she was, to have the angel Castiel coming to her aid.

“Dean-” Sam started to protest, they had so much to worry about already.

“She stays Sammy. Thats final.” Dean cut his younger brother off,

“Now where were we.” Dean motioned towards the board that Sam had covered. Sam sighed, but allowed the change in topic. There would be no changing his brothers mind now.


Dean glanced into the rear view mirror, looking at the figure he’d promised to protect, she look so weak and feeble curled in on herself. Even Sam, as untrusting of the young woman as he was, could agree that she looked as if she could shatter at any second.

“She’s been asleep for two solid days Dean.” Sam spoke, catching his brothers glance.

“Cas said she was weakened, clearly she’s regaining her strength.” Dean defended her automatically, even though he was curious as to why she had slept for so long. The next few hours past in a comfortable silence, Dean’s music and his quiet hums as he joined in the only distraction as the sun set. A loud scream interrupted it, Dean stomping on the breaks, Sam reaching for his side-arm as they both jumped around to look for the threat. Only to see wide, terrified, Sapphire blue eyes darting between the two brothers. Their owner having curled even further into herself in the furthest corner from Sam, trying to stay out of the boys reach.

“Hey, relax you’re safe.” Dean spoke softly, putting down the weapon he hadn’t realised he had grabbed.

“Castiel!” She called, clearly not trusting the two men before her. Unable to distinguish them from those that had attacked her.

“Cas left you with us, after you collapsed.” Recognition flickered briefly through her eyes, before she shook her head,

“Father.” She practically whimpered, calling for help the easiest way she knew how. Within seconds a figure Sam and Dean knew all too well appeared outside the impala. Lucifer. Both men threw themselves from the car. Dean blocking the fallen archangels path to the woman, while Sam covered his brother.

“Sam, Dean.” Lucifer greeted, ignoring the weapons they held.

“What do you want?” Dean snarled, already knowing he had to be after either the woman in the back seat, or his brother.

“My daughter called for me, and like a good father, I came.” Lucifer answered truthfully.

“Daughter?” Sam asked, glancing to Dean, concerned. If the girl was Lucifers daughter, she would have a bigger target painted on her back than they’d originally assumed.

“Father.” The Impala door opened, and the woman stepped out.

“Sapientia.” Lucifer replied, opening his arms wide. The girl stepped around Dean, ignoring him and Sam to throw himself into her fathers arms, sobbing. Lucifer glanced to the Winchester brothers, before hugging the girl back, running one hand through her hair and whispering calming words to her. Slowly the violent sobs that raked her slender frame subsided, yet he still held her just as tightly as she gripped him.

“Everything will be okay Sofia. I promise.” Lucifer spoke softly.

“You and Uncle Mikeal will kill each other, I’ll have no one! And you say everything will be okay?” Sofia shoved against her fathers chest, leaving Sam and Dean stunned that the fallen archangel, and the strongest creature they knew, actually stumbled back slightly.

“What do you want from me Sofia?” He asked, knowing the answer that she never had the opportunity to give, distracted by the appearance of a blood soaked angel.

“Castiel?” Lucifer and her daughter questioned, at the same time as Sam and Dean spoke.

“Cas?” The angel nodded, glancing at the strange scene around him.

“This is what you call protecting my daughter!?” Lucifer was the first to recover from the shock of seeing the normally pristine angel so filthy.

“Putting her with the Winchesters, as I tear apart the globe looking for Amika?” Castiel replied, his normal monotone like voice gone as he addressed the devil. While looking at the woman whose eyes were slowly returning to normal from the red and puffy that her tears had turned them too.

“Exactly!” Lucifer raged, he couldn’t see the logic behind Castiels decision to leave his daughter with the two men that were trying to kill him.

“The Winchesters only believed her to be a friend of mine, She is warded from everyone else we can think of. The Winchesters are the best hunters on the planet. Most fear these two. I could not think of a safer place.” Castiel answered, looking at Lucifer as he spoke and avoiding the hunters confused looks.

“I feel safe father.” Sofia added, tucking herself under her fathers chin, closer to him.

“Did you find her?” She addressed Castiel, as Lucifer tightened his grip on her slightly, kissing the top of her head.

“Not yet.” Castiel replied honestly, glancing to Sam and Dean with a gentle sigh.

“You will not allow them to remember this, will you?” Both Lucifer and Sofia shook their heads,

“It is not the right time.” Sofia explained, looking to the brothers.

“We are still here!” Dean spoke angrily, looking at the trio of divine creatures.

“You following so far?” Lucifer asked with a smirk.

“You have a daughter, Sofia, and Castiel is supposed to be protecting her.” Sam summarized quickly, folding his arms across his chest. He’d been suspicious of the girl since Castiel had appeared with her. Dean had been more trusting of the angel that had become a firm friend, and the girl he had asked them to care for.

“I am protecting her!” Castiel protested the younger Winchesters choice of words.

“I just had my hands full when she called.” He added, feeling the glare Lucifer directed his way.

“I am still weakened, it is too dangerous for me to go with you father, and Castiel is busy, I will stay with the Winchesters.” Sofia pulled away from her father just enough to look up at him.

“Call any time you need me.” Lucifer eventually relented, accepting her decision.

“Isn’t that up to us?” Dean demanded, directing his question at Castiel, rather than the father daughter duo.

“No. I am sorry. No one can know who she is, and you have a predestined path to complete. I am sorry.” Castiel replied softly, hoping the brothers would accept his apology, he did not want this for the brothers, but his loyalty was to the female, first and foremost. Castiel reached forward, pressing two fingers against both boys temples. Catching them as they slumped forward.

Lucifer released Sofia, and moved forward, taking Sam off Castiel, and placing him carefully in the passengers seat of the Impala, as Castiel placed Dean back in the drivers seat.

“Thank you. Both of you.” Sofia smiled, getting into the back seat of the Impala, as both Lucifer and Castiel vanished again.

“You alright?” Dean woke, with no memories of anything that happened over the past few minutes, remembering only her scream.

“What happened?” Sam asked, turning to face her.

“Sorry, Nightmares, memories. I can not distinguish.” Sofia waved off their concern.

“I’m fine.” Sam turned back to face the front, as Sofia raised her eyes to meet Deans in the rear view mirror, offering a weak smile.

“You sure?” He asked, waiting to receive a nod in reply, before he started the car up again.

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