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Tumblr Writing Challenge, Dean x Reader

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Wednesday, March 3 – Somebody Else.

Thursday, March 4 – “I just want to dance, get drunk and forget.”

Friday, March 5 – Easter.

Saturday, March 6 – “You have two options, kill me or kiss me. What is it gonna be Sherlock?”

Sunday, March 7 – Forever Young.

Monday, March 8 – “If there’s no food, I’m not going.”

Tuesday, March 9 – Underage Dean

I've gathered them all up here, but presume they are unconnected unless otherwise specified.

Somebody Else:

You forced a smile at the man who accidentally bumped into you, glancing around the packed building for your boyfriend. He was supposed to meet you here half an hour ago. It wasn’t your normal scene, but he had insisted on a night out, and needing a drink after the last hunt, you had agreed. Now, the bright flashing lights were giving you a headache that your alcohol infused buzz was only just holding at bay. The loud music and banging bass making it impossible to hear your own thoughts, let alone the guy who had attempted to chat you up a few moments earlier.

It had been a close one, the Winchester brother’s had both limped back to the bunker. Promising to call when they arrived safely. You had managed to avoid the brunt of the injuries. The worst was a cracked rib - easy enough to hide from your boyfriend of six years. He’d never known about how you hunted creatures of the night for a living, he thought you were a P.A. to a lawyer, and had to travel a lot for work. You’d never seen reason enough to correct him. It was better this way, he was overprotective as it was.

“Y/N!” Your head whipped around at the sound of your name, smiling widely when you saw the Winchester’s walking through the crowd towards you, and the bar. You waved excitedly, turning to the bartender to order two shots of whiskey. You didn’t have trouble spotting the brothers when you turned back around, they were at least a head taller than everyone else, and the crowds were parting before them.

“What are you doing here?” You demanded, hands tugging your short dress down further in an effort to cover skin you never normally showed around the brothers. They’d only ever seen you in jeans and plaid shirts before, much like what they wore. Cheaper than the flashy clothes you wore when you were home. Hunting had a way of ruining anything flash and fancy, and dresses were most certainly an inconvenience you didn’t need.

“Looking for you. A case came up.” Sam yelled back, leaning towards you in an effort to be heard.

“So soon?” You replied talking directly in his ear as your arms wrapped around his neck in a tight hug. His arms circled your waist, easily picking up your much smaller frame.

“SAM!” You squealed, ignoring his laughter as he set you back down.

“You clean up nice.” Dean commented, eyes raking over you. You blushed automatically, hoping it was unnoticeable as you looked down on the floor. You had always struggled with receiving compliments from the Winchesters. Gorgeous and capable hunters, it was hard not to feel inferior standing next to them.

“Thanks.” You forced yourself to look up, catching Dean’s smirk as he leant forward, arms going either side of you to grab the alcohol off the bartender.

“So how late is he?” Sam asked, knocking back the booze quicker than his brother did.

“Thirty Five Minutes.” You replied after glancing to your watch to check. Dean chuckled, dropping an arm to rest around your waist, leaning over the bar to order more alcohol.

“Want to wait?” Sam offered, his own hazel eyes scanning the bar around them.

“See anything you like?” Dean teased, Sam’s head snapped back to you and Dean.

“The Monster will still be there tomorrow. Y/N got all dressed up, it’s a shame to let it all go to waste.” Dean shrugged, handing his brother a beer.

“We deserve it after that witch.” Dean added, forcing a Rum and Coke into your hands.

“To Us!” You offered up a toast, smiling when the boys joined in. Sam’s eyes scanned the club once more as he drank deeply.

“Fine. One night.” He agreed, his eyes seeming to find someone in the masses.

“Atta boy. Go get her.” Dean slapped Sam on the arm as he rolled his eyes and made his way past them.

“Anyone catch your eye Winchester?” You teased Dean, looking around before your attention returned to the eldest brother. Watching him take his brother's place on the stool opposite you, leaning back against the bar. Leaning slightly towards her.

“One, but she’s got someone else.” Dean shrugged, lifting a beer bottle to his lips. You raised an eyebrow at the casual way the words rolled off his lips, but didn’t have time to question it when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Lips pressing to your shoulder.

“Sorry I’m late baby.” The words were whispered in your ear, lips against the side of your head. You felt your boyfriend lean away from you slightly to order something, before his chest was pressed to your back. You watched Dean closely, the way his jaw tightened before he looked away. Lifting the bottle to his lips.

“I’m going to go check on Sammy.” Dean nodded to you once, before sliding off the stool and disappearing off into the crowd. You found yourself craning your neck in an effort to follow his path, but he was swallowed within moments.

“Who was that baby?” Your boyfriend asked, his chin resting on your shoulder.

“Boss's brother.” You replied, turning and wrapping your arms around the man you loved. Kissing him briefly.

“How was work?”

uh.... idk how I feel about this one. Should I continue?

I just want to get drunk, dance and forget:

The memory would be forever edged into the back of your eyelids, you were sure of it. As if walking in on your now ex-boyfriend and his blonde toy in your bed wasn’t bad enough, you had also learnt, the hard way, that your boyfriend was into stuff you’d never even imagined you thought the supposedly nice guy knew off.

You needed to get rid of that bed, maybe you should sell it. There was no way you’d be able to sleep in it again after... that... You were sure you’d be able to find the dents where the handcuffs had strained against the soft wood. It was a shame, you had really liked the king size four poster bed.

“What’ll it be sweetheart?” You looked to the bartender, chewing gum and cleaning out a glass, waiting patiently. Ignoring everyone else that was calling for him. The biker bar was busy despite the fact that it was still early afternoon. Full of the rough and tough type that you knew were going to try take you home, you didn’t mind though. You knew you could hold your own when the eventual bar fight came, despite the high heels and tight dress you were wearing.

“Gimme the strongest Whiskey you got, and keep it coming.” You decided, he gave you a gruff, approving nod and pulled a bottle out from beneath the bench. Your painted red lips curled up in a smirk as he filled up a shot glass, leaving the bottle on the bar top within reach.

Clearly he was used to seeing people like you. Already half-drunk from some cheap liquor store stuff you had stashed away in the boot of your car - it had been for medical purposes, but you had figured it would work just fine as brain bleach.

“Thanks.” You grimaced as the cheap alcohol burned it's way down your throat, years of drinking with the Winchesters apparently hadn’t prepared you for something like this. You looked back to the bartender only to see him smirking, reaching for another glass. No doubt to make you a more ‘suitable’ drink.

“I thought I told you to give me the good stuff.” You accused instead, watching his eyebrows raise in shock. He probably hadn’t expected a pretty little thing like you to be able to tell the difference between good and bad whiskey, half drunk or not.

“I can get better whiskey out of a trashcan.” You didn’t care that he was larger than you, if you could take down the sasquatch, you could take down a bartender that normally just broke up biker gang fights.

“What did you say?” He demanded, normally you’d back down. Heck, normally you wouldn’t even make it this far, but you didn’t care.

“You heard me. The booze is shit.” You shot back, watching him buff out his chest, straightening up in an attempt to intimate you. It didn’t work.

“Whoa, Hold up.” You rolled your eyes as you heard the eldest Winchester enter the bar in time to hear you.

“Winchester.” You drawled, turning to face your ‘saviour’, you let your eyes scan his amazing figure openly. He had clearly dressed in a hurry, his plaid shirt wasn’t even buttoned up. A black undershirt hugging every curve of his torso.

“What do you think you’re doing? It’s four in the afternoon.” Dean demanded, stripping his leather jacket off and wrapping it over your shoulders. Trying to cover up the short dress you had thrown on when you had decided to get drunk and go dancing.

“What does it look like I’m doing Dean-o?!” You drawled back, trying to throw his jacket off your shoulders, his arm stopped you. Pulling you into his chest and holding you there despite your attempts to throw him off.

“I’m sorry. How much do we owe you?” Dean spoke over your head, his arm slipping from your waist to reach for his wallet. Giving you the break you needed.

“I said I’m fine!” You snapped, he couldn’t hold you with the one arm he still had around you.

“You are not fine. Todd called-” Dean noticed the way you flinched at your ex-boyfriend's name, raising an eyebrow. Of course he did, the elder Winchester seemed to notice everything about you.

“What did he do?” Dean asked instantly, taking a step closer, his hand grabbing your chin as he checked to make sure you were alright.

“He didn’t touch me Dean.” You slapped his hand away, “I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to dance, get drunk, and forget.” You mumbled, letting him rest a hand on your waist and pull you closer, tucking you under his chin.

“Fine, but not here, no more picking fights. And, this conversation is most certainly not over.” He lead you out of the bar and into the passenger's side of the impala.

“Jeez Y/N You couldn’t have picked a shadier location.” Dean grumbled, as he nudged his car into gear and gunned it down the street. You laughed, rolling down the windows, hair streaming out the windows as you lifted your feet to sit on the dash board. Ignoring Dean’s glare, turning up his music before he could tell you off for defiling his baby.

You didn’t notice Dean glancing over at you as you let your hand hand out the window. The smile that curled on his lips as you threw your head back and laughed for no reason he could see. It was amusing for him to see you drunk, you normally kept a tight control on how much you drank, refusing to let it all go and get wasted.

“He was cheating on me.” You yelled eventually, your head lolling over to look at the handsome man sitting beside you. He reached forward, turning the radio off to give you his full attention.

“With another dude, they were doing some... weird kinky shit. On my bed.” You sighed, gazing up at the impala’s roof.


“I don’t need your sympathy Dean. I need a good strong drink and a man to make me forget.” You moved your feet to hang out the window with a sigh, turning yourself so that your head rested in Dean’s lap, eyes looking up at him as he focussed on driving.

“I think you need to go to bed.” You shuddered at the memory those words brought.

“Rather not.” You snapped, raising a hand to caress Dean stubbled cheek.

“Please Dean-o, just one?” You pleaded, feeling his jaw clench beneath your hand.

“One drink, then we leave.” Dean caved, resting his free hand on your shoulder.

One drink turned to ten, and soon enough you were dancing without a care. Every male eye was on you as you swayed your hips to the beat, long hair swishing around you. You could hear Dean chuckling in the corner table you’d claimed upon arrival. He’d claimed to be watching over the drinks, but your whiskey was in your hand, and he had an ice cold beer pressed to his lips. Eyes watching you as you smiled at him.

The night life was truly buzzing by the time you managed to drag Dean onto the floor. You were both so far gone that the bartenders had confiscated the Impala’s keys hours ago. Refusing to let you drive home. They’d even called Sammy, who was going to come and pick you up later.

Dean’s arm wrapped around your waist as he danced with you, his body pressed against yours. You no longer cared that the man you were wrapped around was your best friend and closest confidant. You needed relief, and the way his body was moving against yours was distraction enough. You spun around on the next beat, wrapping your arms around his neck, stretching up on tippy toes to crash your lips against his. Your hands fisting in his hair and holding him to you as he responded to your advances.

You didn’t hear Dean’s groan, but you felt it as he pulled away from you, his lips resting near the shell of your ear.

“The little angel likes it rough.” You laughed, dropping your arms to wrap around his neck. Head resting against his shoulder. Dean’s arms squeezed your waist, a kiss pressed to the top of your head.

“I think it’s time for the little angel to get some sleep.” He started leading you off the dancefloor, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around you. You leant heavily on him, starting to feel the ache in your feet from the six inch heels you’d dug out of your cupboard.

“I don’t want to. I haven’t gotten drunk enough to forget yet.” You replied, stumbling away from the eldest Winchester. He chuckled, reaching out and tugging you back into his waist.

“Sammy’s set up the spare room, and he’s already gotten all your stuff. You’re coming home with us angel. You never have to see that fool again.” Dean’s hold tightened when he mentioned your ex, but his face remained impassively neutral - at least from what you could tell it did. The mirage of coloured lights flashing over his face made it hard to tell.

“Thank you.” You rested your head against his shoulder, smiling when Dean’s hand ran through your hair soothingly.

“Let’s go home Angel.”


You couldn’t contain your excitement as Easter got nearer and nearer, you were already starting to buy Easter Eggs and Chocolate Treats, collecting and hiding them in various locations around the bunker.

Castiel seemed confused trying to figure out why they celebrated the death and resurrection with chocolate. You had explained it to him the best you could, but all he had been interested in were the ‘hot cross buns’. It was the young angel that had then made sure the fridge was overflowing with these ‘snacks’.

Dean, was the only bunker inhabitant who hated the whole lot. He snapped at Castiel every time the angel offered him a hot cross bun, and swear whenever he found one of the several hidden easter eggs. You, of course, found this amusing, and started to put some of the eggs in more and more obvious places for the eldest Winchester to find. You always had enjoyed teasing ‘your on-again off-again’ lover.

Those little touches may have fueled Dean’s growing annoyance, but, you figured, it was the giant rabbit that you’d stayed up all night making that had got you in this position. Now, you were locked in Dean’s bedroom, listening to him argue with Sam through the door. Sam was trying to defend your action, but Dean wasn’t having a bar of it.

You’d been tempted to snoop through his stuff while you waited, but had quickly reconsidered when you’d heard just how furious the older hunter was. Thinking that just perhaps, you may have overdone it. So instead you grabbed one of the well hidden Easter eggs in his room, and sat down with your legs crossed on his bed. Patiently waiting for him to come to a decision.

You weren’t quite sure exactly how long you got stuck in Dean’s room, but you got bored enough to give up on your no snooping rule, even managing to re-hide a few of your less cleverly hidden eggs. Still, you grew bored. You crept towards the door, listening intently for the sound of anyone behind the door. Hearing nothing, you grabbed the handle, wondering if you’d be lucky enough for the door to be left unlocked.

Twisting the handle as quietly as you could, a relieved sigh passed your lips when you realised it was unlocked. You threw open the door, racing out, only to end up face to chest with the same Winchester who had thrown you in the room in the first place.

“What are you doing?” He snarled, hands wrapping around your upper arms.

“Bathroom?” You squeaked nervously, deliberately avoiding looking up at the eldest brother, he would call you out on your lie in a heartbeat.

“I have an en suite.” Dean countered with a chuckle, forcefully spinning you around and marching you back into his room. His hands gently shoving you towards his bed as he slammed the door shut again. You returned to your cross legged position in the center, watching him pace back and forth.

“You and I need to have a little talk about Easter.” He ordered, you looked at him. The black bags under his eyes, weary smile that stretched across his lips.

“You need a nap.” You reached forward, wrapping your hand around his waist. You tugged gently, rather surprised when he fell towards you. You fell back, body straightened impulsively as he fell on top of you. Only just catching his weight at the last second with a painful grunt.

“Dean?” You froze, unsure of how to act. It wasn’t uncommon for you two to end up tangled together like this, but normally one of you were drunk beyond belief, if not both of you. Or there had been a near death experience that had sent you crawling back to the eldest Winchester. Dean’s head fell to your shoulder, breaths jaggered. You couldn’t stop the instincts that had your arms wrapping around him, cradling him to you. Your lips pressed to the side of his head tenderly.

“S- Y/N.” Dean murmured, rolling over to flop on the bed beside you, breaking your tender hold easily. You wanted to get up, wanted to race out of the room. You should have known better after Dean had called your relationship off again.

“You alright?” You both asked at the same time. Dean worried he had crushed you, whereas you were more worried about the Hunters health. You pushed yourself back upright with a frown when Dean didn’t answer. Brushing the back of your hand against his forehead. You tugged your hand back when the sheer heat registered.

“I think you’re sick sweetheart.” You whispered, watching him struggle to keep his eyes open.

“I’m fine.” Dean slurred, letting his eyes fall closed. You pressed your lips to his forehead.

“Baby you have a fever. Imma go get Sam.”

“No. I just need to sleep, and he’ll just worry. I’m sorry for snapping at you, and Cas.” Dean whispered, waving a hand off handedly at you. Of course, his words did little to settle your worry. Dean Winchester, apologizing?

He did however, give you an idea, and silently you started praying to Castiel. Knowing that the angel you all called your friend would be along to help in no time.

Easter Alternate:

“Gabriel started it!” You defended yourself as your boyfriend pulled yet another easter egg out of god knows where.

To be fair, the trickster angel had started it. He never should have stated that he knew more ‘perfect easter egg hiding spots’ around that bunker than you. Sparking a month long easter egg hiding challenge,

“Well I’m finishing it!” Dean snapped, throwing another egg at you. You caught it and added it to the ever growing pile on the table.

“It’s been a damn year Y/N! You and Gabriel are going to find all these damn eggs tonight, and if I see another one. I will shoot both of you!” Dean threatened, grabbing the book he had been looking for.

“Chill Deano.” Gabriel rolled his eyes, picking up one of the eggs and starting to eat it.

“These were hidden for this Easter.” You tried not to laugh at the rage that flooded your boyfriend's face. Quickly getting up from your seat to steal a kiss from his lips. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Waiting for Dean’s arms to wrap around you in return, his head resting atop yours before you smirked at the archangel across the room.

“Oh it’s on!”

“You have two options, kill me or kiss me. What is it gonna be Sherlock?”

Please be advised, this took on a slightly more sinister turn than I expected, and there is a death scene in italics at the end - if this isn’t your kind of thing, please stop before the italics!

You smirked, watching the bartender as he strolled up and down the bar. Pausing to flirt with you as he refilled your glass. Despite the fact that it was you slowly getting drunk, it was the bartender that was putty in your hands. You were pulling every secret from his lips with a coy smile and a wink.

It was no surprise that your next top up came with a note. His number scrawled hastily across the top, as well as his address. No one could resist you, a lean, mean fighting machine. Your body what every guy drooled over, even in a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top. You had seen no need to dress up for a run down little hole like the bar you were in.

“I get off at 2.” He winked at you, before hustling away to pour another drink. You let your eyes follow him, you had no intention of ever seeing him again after this night, but he needed to believe otherwise. However, you felt your heart stop when you saw the two towering men at the other end of the bar. You would recognise the Winchester brothers in an instant. Denim clad nightmares, as your boss had once called them. Hunters extraordinaire, and definately not supposed to be anywhere near you.

You slipped off the stool instantly, leaving both the note and your drink behind. Phone pressed to your ear as you slunk out of the bar, impatiently waiting for the line to be picked up.

“Winchester’s are here. I’m out.” You snapped into the phone, before the person on the other end could answer. Short, sweet, and straight to the point. The way you both liked it.

“Finish the job.” Came the gruff response before the line went dead. You rolled your eyes, sliding your phone back into your jean pockets. You glanced around the carpark, making sure there was no one around before testing the handle to the nearest car. Your eyes skimmed over the 67 chevy impala, but you knew better than to lay a hand on Dean Winchester's Car.

It didn’t take you long to tear through the practically deserted town. Everyone was tucked up in their beds for the night. Everyone except the Vampires you were in town to kill, and with the information you had just pulled from the bartender, you knew exactly where to find them. Parking your stolen car half a mile away from the supposedly abandoned building. Exactly where the bartender said they would be.

What you weren’t expecting, was for the Vampires to be prepared for your arrival. You had machete’s in hand, and knives strapped to your legs, but they were no help to you against the devil's trap and holy water that greeted you on arrival to the covens hide out. You didn’t feel the object that impacted with your head. Blinded by the holy water in your eyes.

You awoke to gentle hands shaking you, opening them to look into all-so-familiar and perfectly hazel eyes. You shook yourself slightly, but stopped when calloused hands cupped your face, stroking along your cheek and jaw. Leaning into his touch as he prevented any further movement. Which you thought was a nice gesture, but unnecessary. You weren’t hurt, you were furious, it had been years since anyone had gotten the drop on you.

“Hey, you alright?” The Youngest Winchester asked, drawing your attention from his brother. You took the time to regard the two hunters, clearly they had assumed you were another kidnapped human meal.

“Fine.” You muttered, trying to twist out of the chains that held you to the chair.

“No offence but we’re gonna keep you tied up for now, until we’re sure that you aren’t one of them.” Sam offered you a weak smile as he spoke. Trying to reassure you, but you weren’t pleased, rolling your eyes. Unbeknown to him, it was a line you’d heard before.

“They haven’t bitten me. I’m a hunter, like you two. They got the drop on me. Can you untie me so we can all go our separate ways.” The Winchesters shared a glance, silently communicating before Dean’s hands undid the chains that bound you. You stood instantly, stretching muscles that really shouldn’t have been aching. Clearly you were unconscious for longer than you’d originally thought. You continued ignoring the Winchesters, searching for your weaponry, the boss really wouldn’t be happy if you lost those again.

“Can we give you a lift anywhere?” Sam asked, as Dean backed away from you and joined his brother. You rolled your neck around, eyeing the devil's trap still carved into the ceiling.

“You boys already dispose of the bodies?” You asked, noticing the lack of Vampire coven around you, despite the boys being covered head to toe in blood spatter.

“Burnt in a pit out the back. Need a ride or what?” You appreciated the eldest brothers direct tone for a moment, before shaking your head.

“Nah, got a ride like half a mile out. Thanks though.” Dean seemed relieved by this, but Sam only frowned eyes scanning you. You quickly looked away from him, you’d heard about the youngest winchester’s abilities, and the last thing you needed was for him to realise you weren’t what you claimed.

“At least let us drop you to your car. You’ve just been tied up and unconscious. It’s the least we can do.” You knew instantly that Sam was suspicious, you hadn’t moved from the spot where you had stood upon your release. Dean however, seemed moderately annoyed at his brothers offer.

“Really Sammy, I’m fine. My muscles are a little achy and could use the walk.” Both winchester’s eyebrows raised, and you knew you had made a mistake. There was no reason for you to know their names.

“Look, I knew Bobby alright, and he never shut up about the two of you. Everyone knows the famous Winchesters. You’re like hunting royalty, and I know enough to know I want to be nowhere near you. You attract trouble. I’m just trying to take out the little guys so you can focus on the big ones.” You lied quickly, watching them to insure they believed you. Thankfully, they both seemed to relax at the mention of man who had practically adopted them.

“Alright, catch you around.” Dean’s hand wrapped around Sam’s arm, tugging him out of the abandoned building and away from you. You let out a sigh of relief, hand digging into your pocket for the cellphone the Vampires had stupidly forgot to pile with your weapons on the other side of the room.

You redialed the last number you had called, pinning the phone between your head and shoulder. Climbing up in the chair with the intention of trying to rip away some of the traps markings. The last thing you wanted to do was be stuck there.

“Done?” The same gruff voiced questioned, answering the phone almost immediately.

“Winchesters took care of it. I need a bail out though, Vamps knew I was coming. They were prepared.” You swore, slumping back in your seat as your fingertips failed to brush the edges of the trap.

“You got caught?” You snarled at the accusation, fingertips digging into the metal seat beneath you. Hearing the steel groan beneath your grasp.

“I walked into a damn ambush my King.” You spat back, forcing yourself to take a deep breath.

“Who knew you were in town?” You dropped the phone as the voice came from behind you instead of through the telephone.

“You, the bartender. I kept it on the low down.” You watched Crowley stalk around the outside of the devil’s trap. Eyes fixed on you.

“So unless you betrayed me. I have a bartender I’d like to rip end from end.” You smiled sweetly, leaning forward in the seat, daring him to make his next move.

“I could gut you like a fish.” Crowley insulted, eyes flicking up to the trap, before dropping back down to you.

“Ah but then who would keep your precious Winchesters safe, and your monsters in line. We had a deal Crowley. Now open the damn trap so I can keep my end of the bargain,” Crowley took a step closer to you, tilting his head to the side, much like Castiel did when thinking too hard.

“I think this might be a good time to change the terms of our deal love.” He suggested, watching with a smirk as your eyes narrowed in his direction.

“I like our current deal Crowley, you keep them from remembering me, I kill whichever monsters you request of me.” You flashed your eyes black for a brief moment, before smirking.

“I traded my soul for Dean Winchester. I have nothing more to give you. You have nothing more to offer me. Open the damn trap.” Crowley shook his head, smiling softly.

“You are still so naive.” He clicked his fingers, a crack appearing in the wood above your head. Leaving just as quickly as he had arrived. You rolled your eyes at his antics. It happened on the rare occasion that you got caught and needed his help.

Instead you crossed the room, collecting weapons given to you over a lifetime ago, memories flooding back as you checked each weapon before resheathing it. Starting your slow walk back to the stolen car, giving you just enough time to ponder over the last time you’d seen the Winchester’s.

“SAMMY!” Dean’s arms cradled around you, lifting you off the floor and holding you against his chest. Blood stained hands trying to stop the bloodflow from any of the multiple hellhound bites and scratches.

“Baby what have you done?” Dean whispered against your forehead, tears streaming down his face as he tried desperately to save you. You only smiled though, you had done what you needed to. You had saved your soulmate, and you’d do it again in a heartbeat.

“You sold your soul?” He sounded heartbroken, and you weren’t surprised. He was never supposed to see you like this. He was meant to be away on a hunt, you had planned to go for a stroll, let him think you had run away. Not that it mattered, he wouldn’t remember you come morning anyway.

“You have two options.” You whispered, starting to feel like you were drowning in your own blood, but you ignored it. Eyes locked on Dean’s face.

“Kill me, or kiss me.” Dean smiled softly at the memory of the first thing you’d ever said to him, all those years ago. “What’s it going to be Sherlock?” Your last memory was his lips pressed against yours desperately. As though his kiss alone was enough to keep you from death. It wasn’t, and you died peacefully, curled in your lovers arms. Knowing he’d be safe and watched over for centuries.

Forever Young.

You smirked, skidding around the bunker in socks and one of Dean’s plaid shirts. Your boyfriend and his brother had left on a hunt a few days ago, leaving you behind to babysit the demon chained up in the bunker. Sammy had been trying to get information from him for weeks, but to no success. Dean had refused to go anywhere near him. The memory of hell and Alistair playing on his mind. Of course, Dean had refused to allow you anywhere near him. His overprotective side kicking in to the extreme with a Demon in residence. He’d only left after securing a promise from you that you’d go no where near the hidden dungeon.

Of course, that was getting harder and harder with each day the Winchesters were gone. You had cleaned every inch of the bunker, reorganised the library, did the washing and re stocked the kitchen entirely. You had even found a second pantry to hide emergency supplies of beer, and canned, nonperishable foods. Not to mention a secret stash of chocolate, rum and medical surprise. You had no intention of telling the brothers it was there of course.

You were bored, the music - anything but Dean’s mullet rock - was still blaring out of the speakers like it had since the boys had been gone. Since you were good enough as alone, you had been singing along as loudly as you could. It drowned out the demon’s angry cries, and helped with the loneliness that was starting to creep up on you.

You hadn’t even heard from the brothers since they’d left, Sam had sent you a text when they had arrived in state, but you could only assume that they’d been too busy to check up on you since then.

“Forever young. I wanna be forever young!” You sung, using your hairbrush as a makeshift microphone, jumping up onto the table with a smirk. You let your long hair go wherever it pleased as you danced along.

You stopped abruptly when the music cut out mid chorus, looking around the room. Eyes narrowed in the direction of the stereo. Hand automatically going to her waist for a gun that wasn’t there.

“Clearly you didn’t miss me.” Dean teased, raising an eyebrow at you.

“Dean!” You squealed, leaping off the table to throw your arms around him. Dean chuckled, his lips pressing to the side of your head, arms wrapping around you waist. Hugging you tightly to his muscular frame.

“DEAN!” Your lover stiffened, pulling away at his brothers yell.

“You didn’t-” His hands gripped at your shoulders, eyes blown wide open.

“I didn’t go anywhere near your precious pet.” You defended yourself before he could even finish accusing you.

“Dean!” Sam called again, Dean looked at you once more. Leaning down to kiss you passionately.

“This conversation isn’t over.” He whispered against your lips, before walking away. You frowned, watching his retreating figure. Wondering what was wrong, you noted the limp, and the way he cradled his arm slightly closer to his side than normal. Making a note to get information from Sam before the night was out.

“Y/N!” Sam’s voice drew you towards the dungeon, where you could hear the pitiful sound of begging.

“Please, I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Just stop the damn racket.” You didn’t recognise the male voice, and therefore assumed it to be the Demon you had supposedly been babysitting.

“Y/N! What did you do!?” Sam was beaming, an arm thrown around your shoulders. You let your eyes fall on your boyfriend. Who was watching you closely, curious to what your answer would be.

“I was bored.” You shrugged, ducking away from the youngest Winchester. Humming ‘Forever Young’ under your breath as you did so.

"If there’s no food, I’m not going.”

You coughed, trying to see through the thick fog of smoke that had accompanied the witch's death. Dean’s gunshots still ringing in yours ears.

“Y/N!” Dean called, you turned towards his voice, reaching out blindly in the dark until your hand slapped against his back.

“I’m here.” You coughed, stumbling forward when his hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you into his side, your face against his cool leather jacket.

“I got you baby. Just breathe.” He whispered cradling you to him, remembering your fear of smoke. You choked for air as he clutched you tighter to him. He bent slightly, arm hooking under your legs, lifting you up and making for the door.

Tears were streaming down your cheeks when you both reached the fresh air, you didn’t register your boyfriend's hands on your face. His voice, calling your name softly. All you could hear was the relentless screams as fire licked at the people you couldn’t save, smoke filling your lungs as you collapsed on the floor near your little sisters crib. Her cries were the loudest ringing in your mind.

“Did I ever tell you I wanted to be a fireman? After mom... well, it was logical. I never told anyone though, it would be foolish. Dad was a marine, and a hunter. Sam got away, but I never could, never given the chance. It’s beside the point, I wanted to be a firemen, to save people like you.” You focussed on Dean’s voice in your ear, the warmth of his chest against your side. His hand running through your hair. Letting him pull you back to reality. Half-wondering when you’d sunk to sit on the witches porch.

He didn’t stop talking, not as you turned to bury your face in his chest, taking deep breaths of his whiskey, gunpowder and leather scent. Grounding yourself, in something familiar. Your hand’s white knuckled in his shirt, Dean chuckled, holding you close. His hand slipping into his pocket, squeezing your hand for a second, before calling a number and putting the phone on speaker.

“Yeah Sammy, witch is Dead. How are you feeling?” Dean’s lips pressed against your head as his sick brother answered the call.

“Crap.” Sam muffled voice came back,

“Castiel went to get some medication, he thinks I'll be fine with some rest.”

“Is he still feeling guilty that he can't just heal you?” You asked quietly, hoping you didn't sound as tired and worn out as you felt.

“Yup.” Sam broke out in a coughing fit before he could say anything more.

“Sam!” You laid your palm against Dean's chest as he called his brothers name.

“I'm fine.” Sam replied, gasping for air.

“We’ll be home tomorrow. Get some rest.” Dean ordered, hanging up once he was sure his little brother was alright.

“You good?” He asked you,

“I think so, thanks Darlin’.” You tipped your head back to kiss Dean’s lips. He smiled when you pulled away, ducking his head to keep your lips connected.

“Take me home Dean.” You whispered, his hand hooked beneath your legs once more. Picking you up and carrying you towards the impala. You tucked your head against his neck with a laugh.

“Hang on beautiful.” He warned, breaking out into a jog and skidding to a stop beside his car.

“Dean!” Your feet hit the ground, and his lips crashed against yours. Pressing your back against the passenger's door of the impala. You looped your arms over his neck, his hands gripping at your hips.

“You think that smoke did something to us?” You asked, pulling away from him slightly.

“Not a chance.” Dean reassured you,


You couldn’t help the scream that tore from your throat when you woke up to find yourself staring down at your own body. Your body was still fast asleep, wrapped up in the arms attached to whomever you were. ‘Your’ arms were numb though, all feeling gone on the arm that was pinned beneath your body.

All too soon you're inhabited body was moving without your permission, leaning down to brush a kiss past your own temple. Your body snuggled back against your chest, before your own eyes flew wide open, turning to face you.

“THE F**K!?” It was weird to hear yourself swearing, jumping away from you and off the bed.

“I think the witch did something.” You raised a hand to run through hair that was shorter than normal. Spikey beneath your hands, you recognised it instantaneously, it was hard not to. The amount of times that you’d run your own hands through time and time again.

“Nah s**t!” Dean ran your hand through your hair, stopping far before the end. As though your hair was shorter than normal.

“It’ll wear off within 24 hours, all spells do.” Dean whispered, starting to stretch out your body, as you did the same.


So had begun one of the worst weeks you’d ever had with the Winchester brothers. Sam had been sicker than you’d all originally thought - Dean blamed the trails his brother had gone through earlier. Sam argued that it was merely the fact that his immune system was down after being so stressed recently. Either way, Castiel had got worried enough to call in a favour from another angel, a young woman called Hannah. Who had healed Sam without asking a single question, nor quoting any favours in return. This on it's own troubled you.

But more than that, was the fact that, unlike what your boyfriend had assumed, the spell did not wear off after 24 hours. It had been nearly 168 hours with no sign of a cure or the spell wearing off. You’d told everyone what had happened, after arriving back at the bunker and Castiel demanding to know why your soul’s had swapped vessels, but no one had found anything that could help.

“Y/N!” Your voice called from the bedroom you shared with Dean, and you sighed, rolling your eyes. After Dean had stated things couldn’t get any worse yesterday, they had. Your body had started it’s period, early.

“Relax Winchester.” You smiled softly, walking into the room to see your body curled up in the center of your shared bed. A pillow clutched to your stomach.

“I’ll heat the hot pack, but don’t forget, we have to go on a mission tonight.” Dean groaned, burying his face in the bed sheets.

“How the hell do you even move, let alone fight?” He grumbled, and you frowned. A little pain was normal for you, but Dean sounded like he was in agony. You, of course, had no reference to tell how bad he was feeling, and it was killing you. Watching your boyfriend suffer through Mother nature's gift while there was nothing you could do to help him was torturing you.

“It’ll pass soon darlin’.” You guessed, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Starting to turn around and find him a hot pack for his - your stomach. His fingers wrapping around your wrist stopped you, looking down to see him staring up at you.

“If there is no food, I’m not going.” He stated, and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Whatever you say Sweetheart, whatever you say.”

Underage Dean:

You knew from the second that leather clad bad boy esque Winchester strolled into school that he would be trouble. His hazel eyes locking onto you from across the room. The smirk that tugged up his lips, you had simply rolled your eyes and looked away. Not realising the challenge you had issued the older teen.

He had introduced himself to the class, but his eyes were on you the entire time. You thought perhaps everyone had noticed, but then you heard all the other girls gossiping about how good looking the teenager was.

“I never got your name.” The deep drawl had you turning. Looking up at the smirking boy.

“You never asked.” You replied, flicking your hair over your shoulder and walking away. A quick glance in someone’s glasses told you that the Winchester was watching you with his jaw hanging wide open. Clearly no one had ever turned him down before. You smirked, this could be fun.

One thing you were absolutely certain of was that Dean Winchester wasn’t about to give up, and surprisingly you were okay with that.

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