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“What the hell have you done now?”

Writer's picture: Rose DemicaRose Demica

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Cas One Week Writers Challenge

prompt: What the hell have you done now.

pairings: Cas x Reader

word count: 1771

Not quite what I intended to do with this, but hey! It’s 3am, and I’m sleepy. So I hope you like it.

Your maniacal grin, you guessed, was the first thing that alerted the boys. Being unable to contain your laughter therefore, only confirmed their suspicions.

“What the hell have you done now?” Dean demanded, abandoning the book he was only pretending to read. No doubt in favour of checking baby for any traps.

Sam eyed you warily as you slumped down in your armchair, putting your feet up on the table. He had been on the receiving end of your boredom pranking last time. He still hadn’t forgotten, nor forgiven you for that.

“Cas?” The angel appeared behind you with a flutter of wings that stirred up your hair.

“Yes Sam?” Castiel asked, his gravelly voice close to you. His fingers pressing against your shoulder as he rested his hands on the back of your chair.

“Y/N’s going stir crazy. Mind taking her with you on a few of your angel things?” You jaw dropped at Sam’s seemingly innocent request. The younger Winchester had found out yesterday about your not-so-small crush on the angel.

“That’s fine with me.” Castiel agreed, you glared at Sam as he smirked at you.

“Thanks Cas.” You felt the angels hand slip to your shoulder, and then with a gentle ‘whoosh’ you were standing in the middle of a field. You spun around, seeing the field completely empty. Everywhere your eye could see was meadows and hills, except for to your left. The forest seemed inviting in the warm summer light. Trees gently rustling in the breeze. It was where Castiel’s gaze was locked.

“Do you have your weapons on you Y/N?” Castiel asked quietly, you nodded. Your hand slipping down to the blade strapped to legs, hidden in your boots. You normally had a few guns strapped to you when you went hunting, but you had been given no time to prepare.

“I do not expect a fight, but be prepared.” Castiel’s hand rested on the small of your back, and you felt yourself melt slightly under his touch. Straightening up without grabbing your knife. It would be easy enough to grab should a fight start, and you had no intention of ending Castiel’s peaceful talks before they could begin.

You stood by Castiel’s side, watching as a large group of people slowly made their way out from the trees. At least ten angels, you assumed. They stayed closely packed together, eyes darting to you distrustingly.

“You were to come alone Castiel.” A beautiful female demanded, glaring at you as she spoke.

“Y/N is a friend. She means you no harm.” Castiel countered, his hand fisting in your shirt and tugging you back slightly. His body twisting in front of yours slightly.

“That was not our deal Castiel.”

“Cas-” You started, your hand resting on his arm. “I can go-” Castiel shook his head,

“No Y/N. I said you could accompany me, and I will not change my mind.” You raised your eyebrow at Castiel’s tone of voice. It was rare that the angel raised his voice, and even stranger still to hear him so forceful.

“Our deal was that you came alone also Veronica. You failed to meet your end of our deal as I did mine. However, the only reason this should matter is if you planned to ambush me.” Castiel’s tone didn’t change as he turned his attention on ‘Veronica’ and her fellow angels.

“Should I not have expected the same Castiel? My faction and I have openly disagreed with you often.” You tried to keep up with what was going on, but in truth you knew very little of Castiel’s angel’ business. He had always changed the topic when you brought it up, and you’d never pried too far.

“Castiel-” You gripped his arm tightly, catching the glint of sunlight against a blade. You would recognise it anywhere.

“Y/N?” He didn’t look to you, never lifting his eyes from Veronica. You didn’t even hesitate when you saw the knife flying through the air. You twisted yourself in front of Castiel, grabbing him and pulling him down and out of the way. A swear words falling from your lips as you felt the knife skim past your elbow. Shouts broke out behind you, but you ignored them to focus on Castiel. His baby blue eyes were wide with surprise, focussing entirely on you for half a second before he narrowed in his gaze on your elbow.

“You’re hurt.” You released him to twist your elbow towards you with a frown. Eyeing the blood that poured out of a thin line just above the bone.

“Damnit!” You swore again, fingering the tear in the fabric.

“I actually liked this shirt.” You sighed, running your hands down the red plaid shirt. It had been a gift from the Winchesters when you had first joined them hunting down a coven of witches. Now it was filled with more holes and patches than you could count.

“Y/N, you are bleeding and you are worried about your shirt?!” Castiel's hand covered your arm, and you felt a quick flash of heat before it was gone. Taking your wound with it, his fingers lingered on your arm.

“I like the damn shirt...” You grumbled, standing up and turning to face the chaos behind you. Your knife already in your hand, just in case they made another move on Castiel. You felt him standing behind you, with every breath his chest brushed your back and arm.

Before you both, the angels looked torn. Some were looking to Veronica for guidance, whereas the others were looking to the angel that had thrown the knife.

“This is what I wanted to discuss. We cannot keep fighting amongst ourselves.” Castiel spoke, you felt his hand come up and rest on your back.

“We angels are too far and few between. We should join forces and find a way to return home.” He continued speaking, you both watched the angels turn to face Castiel. Suddenly united once more.

“And whose fault was it that we had to leave?” “Surely if we kill Castiel it will reverse the spell.” “We’ll never return home.”

“ENOUGH!” Veronica’s voice rang out over everyone else's. Silencing the voices that protested Castiel’s words.

“We all just want to go home. Do you have a way to defeat Metatron or not?” Veronica demanded, Castiel’s hand tightened slightly on your back.

“Perhaps. Metatron has the angel tablet, and while he does there is little we can do to defeat him. The plan is to gather a force of angels to storm heaven’s gate and reclaim control for ourselves.” Castiel shrugged, wisely not mentioning the mark that adorned Dean’s arm.

“Then what? We fight for who remains in power? You become ruler of heaven?” Veronica’s eyes narrowed in a glare, distrusting what Castiel was claiming.

“I have no desire to rule heaven, but nor will I stand by and watch the destruction of my home as the factions split once more. If we return home, it will be peacefully.” You leant into Castiel’s side slightly, eyes continually scanning the crowd for any sign of another attack.

“The only way there will ever be peace amongst the angels is with the return of an archangel or father himself. None of which will happen.” You felt Castiel tense at Veronica’s statement.

“You think I didn’t try looking for father?” Castiel asked softly, you frowned at the sadness in his tone. You didn’t know much about what happened between God and his angels, only that he’d left long ago. You hadn’t even been aware that Castiel was looking for his creator.

“You think I ever stopped looking? Father has no desire to interfere and sort out our mess.” Veronica didn’t believe him that was clear enough.

“And if I refuse to agree, will you have your pet hunter slaughter us where we stand?” Veronica nodded to you, and you felt your blood boil instantly. You were nobodies pet. Castiel’s hand slipped to your waist, keeping you to his side before you could react violently.

“If you refuse you shall be allowed to go free. I will do you no harm if you do not harm me or Y/N.” Castiel assured Veronica, who looked over both of you. Head tilting to the side.

“Very well. I shall think over your offer, We shall meet again Castiel.” Half the group left, turning to walk back into the forest. The other half remained, glancing between you and Castiel.

“Walk away now! If you touch a hair on her head I will end you.” Castiel’s dark tone startled even you, flinching away from him as the angel’s all shared nervous looks. Second guessing their own plans. It only took one more look at Castiel, no doubt his angelic statue looking as overwhelming as his vessel did. Posture perfect as he puffed out his chest, neon blue eyes flashing in warning.

“This time Castiel.” Someone spat, before they all turned tail and left. Castiel didn’t move until he was sure they were gone into the tree line before he spun you around. His hand clasping your jaw as his eyes raked over your body.

“Are you injured anywhere else?” He demanded, you shook your head. Startled by the depth of emotion in his baby blue eyes.

“I am so sorry Y/N. I didn’t expect you to end up in danger.”

“I’m a hunter Cas, it’s an occupational hazard. Where are we going next?” You brushed the angel’s worry off, not liking the way your own body reacted to the angel before you. It was bad enough you liked Castiel, but to find him even hotter like this was just being to be hurt.

Castiel’s grip on your chin lessened slightly, his hand flattening along his cheek.

“I cannot stand the thought of you being hurt Y/N.” Cas whispered, resting his forehead against yours. You breath hitched automatically as his other hand rested on your waist.

“Especially not to save me.” His eyes dropped to your lips, and you couldn’t help but bite on your lower lip. Wondering if you were just dreaming this entire reaction.

Castiel’s low groan was the only warning you had before his lips covered yours. Coaxing them to move with his. You kissed him back. Your hands wrapping around his neck and tangling in his hair as you tried to pull him closer to you.

“I was thinking we could go out for lunch?” Castiel offered, pulling away from you slightly.

“Shut up and kiss me.” You muttered in response, smiling as he did as you demanded.

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